DIR-850L A1 Firmware GPL source
========================= 0. Intriduction
This file will show you how to build the GPL linux system.
Step 1. Install fedora linux 10 (choose Software Development) on 32bit CPU.
Step 2. Setup Build Enviornment($means command)
1) please login as a normal user such as john,and copy the gpl file to normal user folder,
such as the folder /home/john
2) $cd /home/john
3) $tar zxvf DIR850L_GPL201WWb01.tar.gz
4) $cd DIR850L_GPL201WWb01
5) $su (ps : switch to root permission)
6) #cp -rf rsdk-1.5.5-5281-EB-2.6.30- /opt (ps : switch to root permission)
7) #rpm -ivh ./build_gpl/fakeroot-1.9.7-18.fc10.i386.rpm
8) #exit (ps : switch back to normal user permission)
9) $source ./setupenv (ps : switch back to normal user permission)
10) modify ./configs/default.config ELBOX_FIRMWARE_VERSION & ELBOX_FIRMWARE_REVISION for correct version.
Step 3. Building the image
1) $make
2) $make
3) $make
You are going to build the f/w images.
Both the release and tftp images will be generated.
Do you want to build it now ? (yes/no) : yes
4) If there are some options need to be selected , please input "enter" key to execute the default action.
5) After make successfully, you will find the image file in ./images/.