I am maintaining this repo as a single point of access for resources for my talk at geekle cross platform conference.
- The structure of the session is to be found at SESSION NOTES
- The list of resources is available at RESOURCES
This is a nascent technology and we are a small company of relatively young programmers, who have a knack for delivering solidly. We do not to claim to be experts, We do not claim 10x years of experience, We do not claim marketing words like "Battle Hardened"
We have our own questions and motivations, our own ways of finding those answers and our own answers that we found through those methods. Our claims here do not represent the claims of the official maintainers of these technology and other than us being really thankful for these technolgies we do not have any working relationships with these teams.
As beginners we found it hard to get to the nectar of things. We are trying to build a bridge while trying to cross the gaps. We always welcome more experienced opinions and guidance.
If like me, you are excited about gRPC and are wanting to collaborate / explore avenues for collaboration please feel free to connect via EMAIL