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Obscenity is a profanity filter gem for Ruby/Rubinius, Rails (through ActiveModel), and Rack middleware.


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Due to the unmaintaince from the [obscenity][obscenity] gem, i fork and update to make it work with

Obscenity is a profanity filter gem for Ruby/Rubinius, Rails (through ActiveModel), and Rack middleware.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'obscenity2', require: 'obscenity'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install obscenity2


Obscenity is compatible with Ruby 1.9.X, Ruby 2.0.X, Rubinius 1.9, Rails 3.X, Rails 4.X and Rack as a middleware. Starting with Rails 3 and 4, the profanity validation works with any ORM supported by ActiveModel, e.g: ActiveRecord, MongoMapper, Mongoid, etc.

Using Obscenity

The following methods are available to use with Obscenity:


Obscenity.configure(&block) allows you to set custom global configuration options. Available options are:

config.blacklist accepts the following values:

  • An array with words
  • A string representing a path to a yml file
  • A Pathname object with a path to a yml file

config.whitelist accepts the following values:

  • An array with words
  • A string representing a path to a yml file
  • A Pathname object with a path to a yml file

config.replacement accepts the following values:

  • :default : Uses the :garbled method
  • :garbled : Replaces profane words with $@!#%
  • :stars : Replaces profane words with '*' up to the word's length
  • :vowels : Replaces the vowels in the profane word with '*'
  • :nonconsonants : Replaces non consonants with '*'
  • "custom string" : Replaces the profane word with the custom string


Obscenity.configure do |config|
  config.blacklist   = "path/to/blacklist/file.yml"
  config.whitelist   = ["safe", "word"]
  config.replacement = :stars

Basic Usage

Obscenity.profane?(text) analyses the content and returns true or false based on its profanity:

Obscenity.profane?("simple text")
=> false

Obscenity.profane?("text with shit")
=> true

Obscenity.sanitize(text) sanities the content and returns a new sanitized content (if profane) or the original content (if not profane):

Obscenity.sanitize("simple text")
=> "simple text"

Obscenity.sanitize("text with shit")
=> "text with $@!#%"

Obscenity.replacement(style).sanitize(text) allows you to pass the replacement method to be used when sanitizing the given content. Available replacement values are :default, :garbled, :stars, :vowels, and a custom string.

Obscenity.replacement(:default).sanitize("text with shit")
=> "text with $@!#%"

Obscenity.replacement(:garbled).sanitize("text with shit")
=> "text with $@!#%"

Obscenity.replacement(:stars).sanitize("text with shit")
=> "text with ****"

Obscenity.replacement(:vowels).sanitize("text with shit")
=> "text with sh*t"

Obscenity.replacement(:nonconsonants).sanitize('Oh 5hit')
=> "Oh *h*t"

Obscenity.replacement("[censored]").sanitize("text with shit")
=> "text with [censored]"

Obscenity.offensive(text) returns an array of profane words in the given content:

Obscenity.offensive("simple text")
=> []

Obscenity.offensive("text with shit and another biatch")
=> ["shit", "biatch"]


The ActiveModel component provides easy profanity validation for your models.

First, you need to explicitly require the ActiveModel component:

require 'obscenity/active_model'

Then you can use it in your models as such:

# ActiveRecord example
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

  validates :title, obscenity: true
  validates :body,  obscenity: { sanitize: true, replacement: "[censored]" }

# MongoMapper example
class Book
  include MongoMapper::Document

  key :title, String
  key :body,  String

  validates :title, obscenity: true
  validates :body,  obscenity: { sanitize: true, replacement: :vowels }

# Mongoid example
class Page
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :title, type: String
  field :body,  type: String

  validates :title, obscenity: true
  validates :body,  obscenity: { sanitize: true, replacement: :garbled }

The following usage is available:

obscenity: true : Does a profanity validation in the field using .profane? and returns true/false. If true, ActiveModel's Validation will return a default error message.

obscenity: { message: 'Custom message' } : Does a profanity validation in the field using .profane? and returns true/false. If true, ActiveModel's Validation will return your custom error message.

obscenity: { sanitize: true } : Silently sanitizes the field and replaces its content with the sanitized version. If the :replacement key is included, it will use that style when replacing the content.

Rack middleware

You can use Obscenity as a Rack middleware to automatically reject requests that include profane parameter values or sanitize those values before they reach your Application.

First you need to explicitly require the Rack middleware:

require 'obscenity/rack'

And to use the middleware, the basic syntax is:

use Rack::Obscenity, {} # options Hash

You need to use the options below inside the options Hash (above)

Rejecting Requests:

Any of the following options can be used to reject a request.

reject: true : will reject a request if any parameter value contains profanity.

use Rack::Obscenity, reject: true

reject: { params: [] } : will analyze the selected parameters and reject the request if their values contain profanity.

use Rack::Obscenity, reject: { params: [:foo, :bar] }

reject: { message: 'Custom message' } : will reject a request and display the custom message if any parameter value contains profanity

use Rack::Obscenity, reject: { message: "We don't allow profanity!" }

reject: { path: 'path/to/file' } : will reject a request and render the custom file if any parameter value contains profanity

use Rack::Obscenity, reject: { path: 'public/no_profanity.html' }

More usage example:

# Rejects the request for all params and renders a file
use Rack::Obscenity, reject: { params: :all, path: 'public/no_profanity.html' }

# Rejects the request based on the selected params and renders a file
use Rack::Obscenity, reject: { params: [:foo, :bar], path: 'public/no_profanity.html' }

# Rejects the request based on the selected params and displays a message
use Rack::Obscenity, reject: { params: [:foo, :bar], message: "Profanity is not allowed!" }

Sanitizing Requests:

Any of the following options can be used to sanitize a request.

sanitize: true : will sanitize all parameter values if they contain profanity.

use Rack::Obscenity, sanitize: true

sanitize: { params: [] } : will analyze the selected parameters and sanitize them if their values contain profanity.

use Rack::Obscenity, sanitize: { params: [:foo, :bar] }

sanitize: { replacement: (:default | :garbled | :stars | :vowels | 'custom') } : will use this replacement method when sanitizing parameter values

use Rack::Obscenity, sanitize: { replacement: :vowels }

More usage example:

# Sanitizes all params and replaces their values using :stars
use Rack::Obscenity, sanitize: { params: :all, replacement: :stars }

# Sanitizes the given params and replaces their values using a custom word
use Rack::Obscenity, sanitize: { params: [:foo, :bar], replacement: "[censored]" }

# Sanitizes all params and replaces their values using :garbled
use Rack::Obscenity, sanitize: { replacement: :garbled }

Test Helpers

Obscenity currently provides test helpers for RSpec only, but we have plans to add helpers to Shoulda as well.

RSpec Matcher

A be_profane matcher is available for RSpec. Its usage is very simple:

user.username.should_not be_profane

Contributing to obscenity

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history.


  • Thiago Jackiw: @tjackiw
  • Minh Quy: [@MQuy90][MQuy90]


Copyright (c) 2012 Thiago Jackiw. See LICENSE.txt for further details. [obscenity]: [MQuy90]:


Obscenity is a profanity filter gem for Ruby/Rubinius, Rails (through ActiveModel), and Rack middleware.







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