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services for pre-generating static data assets backing the /v1 API


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title: API Preprocessor
    %% style
    classDef operationStyle fill:#8f8e8c, stroke-dasharray: 5 5

    %% services/processes
    subgraph pub_sub1[PubSub - job delivery]
    style pub_sub1 fill:#0864C8
    subgraph k8s_1[Kubernetes]
        subgraph api_preprocessor[cron: api-preprocessor]
            worker_1(worker #1)
            worker_2(worker #2)
            worker_N(worker #N)
        style api_preprocessor fill:#876800
    style k8s_1 fill:#C88908

    subgraph pub_sub2[PubSub - BQ delivery]
    style pub_sub2 fill:#0864C8
    subgraph bigquery[BigQuery]
        bq_regions_tb(table: regions aka polygons)
    style bigquery fill:#7b06bf
    subgraph gcs[GCS]
        gcs_regions_path[blobs: regions geojson blobs]
        gcs_efpm_grids_path[blobs: ef_per_m netcdf blobs]
        gcs_contrails_path[blobs: contrails netcdf blobs]
    style gcs fill:#31bf06
    %% flow/associations
    api_parcel_topic --> api_parcel_sub
    api_parcel_sub -.- api_parcel_5xop
    api_parcel_5xop -.- api_parcel_sub_deadletter
    api_parcel_sub --> api_preprocessor
    api_preprocessor --> bq_delivery_topic
    bq_delivery_topic --> bq_delivery_sub
    bq_delivery_sub --> bq_regions_tb
    bq_delivery_sub -.- bq_delivery_15xop
    bq_delivery_15xop -.- bq_delivery_sub_deadletter
    api_preprocessor --> gcs_regions_path
    api_preprocessor --> gcs_efpm_grids_path
    api_preprocessor --> gcs_contrails_path



The API Preprocessor runs the pycontrails CoCiP grid model on HRES meteorological forecasts, and persists the contrail predictions as static assets in Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and BigQuery (BQ). The static assets written to GCS back the v1 routes of the pycontrails API.


The API Preprocessor is a Dockerized python application designed to be a worker service which concurrently consumes jobs from a job queue.

Unit of Work

A "job" is an ApiPreprocessorJob, and defined in lib/ A job fully defines the work to be done by a single invocation of the API Preprocessor:

  • model_run_at: unix time at which model was executed
  • model_predicted_at: unix time at which model predicts outputs quantities
  • flight_level: the flight level for this job's unit of work
  • aircraft_class: the string literal defining the aircraft class

model_run_at defines the target HRES data source to use for running CoCiP. Every six hours, ECMWF runs the HRES forecast model. The time at which this model is run is the model_run_at time. HRES data is stored in a .zarr store in GCS (the output of the HRES ETL pipeline), and each .zarr store corresponds to a single model_run_at time (i.e. each zarr store holds 73 hours of data for the 72hrs of forecast past model_run_at).

model_predicted_at defines the target timestamp for running CoCiP . It is expected that model_predicted_at occurs on or after model_run_at, occurring no greater than 72 hours past model_run_at (ECMWF provides meteorological forecasts 72 hours past model_predicted_at for a given model run).

The acceptable elapsed time between model_run_at and model_predicted_at is further constrained by a maximum assumed age for contrail evolution. For reference, see ValidationHandler.sufficient_forecast_range() in lib/

flight_level defines the flight level on which to calculate the CoCiP grid. The API Preprocessor may also be directed to run across all flight levels, if the ApiPreprocessor.flight_level parameter is set to the ApiPreprocessor.ALL_FLIGHTS_LEVEL_WILDCARD, then the API Preprocessor will run CoCiP across all flight levels. The determination to run the API Preprocessor on a single fl or across all fls depends on how the implementer wishes to manage concurrency when implementing the API Preprocessor in-system. Note that the resource configuration (memory, vCPU) defined in the service's k8s yaml are currently set assuming the API Preprocessor is running across all flight levels (i.e, it is currently set to higher memory and vCPU settings than if it were running on single fls).

aircraft_class defines the friendly-name identifier for the aircraft configuration to use when running CoCiP (passed to the aircraft performance model). At present, three aircraft classes are defined, each mapping to an aircraft body type and engine type. See ApiPreprocessorJob.AIRCRAFT_CLASSES in

Execution Logic

The API Preprocessor builds and runs the CoCiP grid model based on the input job.

First, the GCS URI for the target HRES zarr store is identified based on the model_run_at time provided in the job.

Next, meteorological datasource objects (pycontrails.core.met.MetDataset) are composed based on the target zarr store.

Next, a CoCiP grid object is composed, based on (1) the met datasource objects, (2) aircraft attributes (provided via the aircraft_class of the job).

Next, the CoCiP grid model is evaluated, resulting in ef_per_m radiative forcing values on a global grid (lat: [-80, 80], lon: [-180, 180]) across our standard flight levels (ref: ApiPreprocessorJob.FLIGHT_LEVELS).

Next, the CoCiP grid output is augmented with our cross-platform compatible, domain-agnostic, arbitrary-unit: contrails.

Next, geoJSON polygons are generated based on various thresholds applied to the contrails variable.

Lastly, the output quantities are exported/handled as follows:

  1. CoCiP grid netCDF of ef_per_m is exported to GCS, ref: ef_per_m_gids_sink_path in
  2. CoCiP grid netCDF of contrails is exported to GCS, ref: contrails_grids_sink_path in
  3. CoCiP polygon geoJSONs at various thresholds are exported to GCS, ref: regions_sink_path in
  4. CoCip polygon geoJSONs at various thresholds are published to a PubSub topic (which delivers those blobs to a BigQuery table via a PubSub -> BQ integration).

System Behavior

The Kubernetes CronJob resource is configured to execute 4 times per day (ref: api-preprocessor.yaml). The timing is coordinated with ECMWF delivery, and the execution of the HRES ETL pipeline. It is assumed that ECMWF grib files are delivered on-time, and that a complete zarr store is available for running the queued jobs pending the API Preprocessor CronJob invocation.

See Failure Modes and Failure Remediation for non-happy-path system behavior.

When the API Preprocessor k8s CronJob is invoked, it will spawn some number of Pods corresponding with jobTemplate.spec.parallelism. Each Pod will dequeue a job from the PubSub subscription queue, process the job, write outputs, acknowledge the job, and repeat (until no more jobs are present). When no more jobs are present, the Pod will exit with a zero code, signaling to the k8s CronJob controller that the (Cron)Job is complete. It is assumed that when the first pod exits w/ a zero code, that any remaining pods are processing final jobs and will similarly exit successfully shortly thereafter. See k8s documentation for reference:

Failure Modes and Failure Remediation

The Api Preprocessor has the following general failure modes and associated remediation pathways.

Case: HRES data unavailable, incomplete or corrupt

Faulty HRES data most often occurs when:

  • ECMWF delivery is not on-time
  • there is a partial failure in the HRES ETL pipeline
  • ECMWF data is corrupt

Cases due to all of the above causes, accept the last, can be remediated.

In this case of faulty HRES data, a zarr store will be incomplete at the time of an API Preprocessor handling a given job, and the Pod handling that job is expected to exit with a non-zero code, thereby implicitly n'acked the PubSub message ("job"). The message is retried, but ultimately dead-lettered. The log-based alerting will dispatch an SMS.

Remediation If the zarr store is healed (made available or complete), then the dead-lettered jobs can simply be re-injected to the work queue, and handled on the next invocation of the API Preprocessor.

If healing of the zarr store is not possible, then a data-gap will exist in perpetuity in the output assets. This should be noted in an Incident Report.

Case: CoCip model failure

It may happen from time to time that CoCip fails to run on a given job for CoCiP domain-specific reasons. This is considered to be a permanent failure.

In this case, the application logs an ERROR (and an SMS notification is dispatched), but the PubSub message is NOT n'acked, thereby avoiding a PubSub retry and dead-lettering of the job. This behavior is by design -- often these failures occur towards the end of a job's execution runtime, and we want to avoid having the jobs retried multiple times (resulting in a hit to GCP $). In principle, it would be favorable to n'ack and dead-letter these messages, but GCP PubSub cannot be configured to retry fewer than 5 times, nor can PubSub retry behavior be modulated based on the nature of a failure condition.

Remediation If the nature of CoCip model failure can be remediated with a code fix, then the failed job(s) can be reconstructed from the log message(s) and re-injected into the job queue post code-fix.

If the nature of the model failure is not fixable, then the data gap(s) should be noted in an Incident Report.

Case: Other

All other failure cases (infrastructure outages, bugs, etc...) should result in either the CronJob not executing and draining the worker queue as expected, or, worker Pods failing to complete work as expected and n'acking/dead-lettering jobs.

In the first case, the work queue will simply continue to grow (with a TTL of 3 days), and system behavior will return to business as usual once the k8s CronJob resumes happy-path behavior.

In the second case, jobs will be dead-lettered and SMS alert notifications will be sent. In this case, dead-lettered jobs are re-injected manually (if the failure mode is recoverable), or, dead-lettered messages are discarded, and the data gap is documented in an Incident Report.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are expected for production and development environments.

name description
SOURCE_PATH fully-qualified file path for HRES pressure-level zarr stores
SINK_PATH fully-qualified file path prefix for writing output data assets
API_PREPROCESSOR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID fully-qualified uri for the pubsub subscription for api-preprocessor jobs (generated by the hres-etl svc)
COCIP_REGIONS_BQ_TOPIC_ID fully-qualified uri for the pubsub topic that injects records to the bigquery regions table
API_PREPROCESSOR_SUBSCRIPTION_ACK_EXTENSION_SEC extension period for subscriber message lease management
LOG_LEVEL log level for service in production


The infrastructure components supporting this service are codified in Terraform and located in .cloud. This includes, but is not limited, to the following resources:

  • GCP PubSub topics and subscriptions
  • GCP BigQuery datasets and tables
  • GCP Google Cloud Storage buckets
  • GCP Kubernetes namespaces and k8s service accounts
  • GCP IAM (service accounts, roles, bindings)
  • Alerts (log and metric based alerts, with SMS notifications)

Infra resources are managed manually via terraform (infra state/changes are not integrated into CICD triggers).

Note that access control between applications running in K8s and other GCP resources is managed using a GCP IAM service account <-> K8s service account binding (i.e. GCP's Workload Identity Federation).

Note that services we deploy inside k8s are not managed via Terraform, rather via CICD (GitHub Actions) and Helm. See the k8s yaml manifest defining this service (CronJob and Pod spec) in api-preprocessor-cronjob.yaml.


Merges to the develop branch build and deploy this service to the dev environment, consuming jobs from a pubsub subscription and writing output assets to a gcs path/pubsub topic as defined in the environment variables of deploy-dev.yaml.

Merges to the main branch similarly deploy this service to the prod environment. See `deploy-main.yaml.