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container job runner - a cli for developing scientific codes in containers and running containerized jobs on local and remote resources.


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cjr is a tool for running jobs in linux containers

oclif License


$ npm install -g cjr
running command...
$ cjr (-v|--version|version)
cjr/0.5.3 linux-x64 node-v12.16.1
$ cjr --help [COMMAND]
  $ cjr COMMAND



Start a job that runs a shell command.

  $ cjr $ COMMAND

  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                          shows output for each stage of the job.

  --build-mode=build-mode                [default: cached] specify how to build stack. Options include "reuse-image",
                                         "cached", "no-cache", "cached,pull", and "no-cache,pull"

  --config-files=config-files            [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration

  --copy                                 automatically copy files back to the project root on exit


  --file-access=volume|shared            [default: volume] how files are accessed from the container.

  --here                                 sets project-root to current working directory

  --label=label                          [default: ] additional labels to append to job

  --message=message                      use this flag to tag a job with a user-supplied message

  --no-autoload                          prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

  --no-copy                              do not copy files back to the project root on exit

  --port=port                            [default: ]

  --profile=profile                      set stack profile




  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                override default stack directory


  --working-directory=working-directory  [default: /home/vagrant/cjr] cli will behave as if it was called from the
                                         specified directory


See code: src/commands/$.ts

cjr bundle BUNDLE-PATH

Bundle a stack or project into a zip or tar for sharing.

  $ cjr bundle BUNDLE-PATH

  --config-files=config-files  [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration
  --config-only                only bundle project configuration
  --no-autoload                prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir      override default stack directory
  --tar                        produces a tar.gz output file (requires tar)
  --zip                        produces a zip output file (requires zip)

See code: src/commands/bundle.ts

cjr config:ls

List all cli parameters and data directories.

  $ cjr config:ls


See code: src/commands/config/ls.ts

cjr config:set

Set one or multiple cli parameters.

  $ cjr config:set

  -q, --quiet

  --always-print-job-id=true|false                            if true, then cjr job:start command will always print the
                                                              user id even if --async flag is not selected.

  --auto-project-root=true|false                              if true, then cjr will automatically traverse up the
                                                              directory tree looking for .cjr directories where
                                                              .cjr/project-settings.yml has project-root: "auto". If it
                                                              finds such a project then it will set the default
                                                              --project-root flag to this directory.

  --auto-sync-remote-service=true|false                       enable automatic two-way syncing for remote development

  --autocopy-on-service-exit=true|false                       if true, then cjr will automatically run job:copy when
                                                              remote services like Jupyter and Theia are stopped using
                                                              the jupyter:stop and theia:stop commands.

  --autocopy-sync-job=true|false                              if true, then cjr will automatically run job:copy at the
                                                              end of all synchronous jobs.

  --container-registry=container-registry                     url of default container registry for pushing snapshots.

  --container-registry-user=container-registry-user           container registry username for pushing snapshots.

  --default-container-shell=default-container-shell           default shell that should be started for shell and
                                                              job:shell commands (e.g. sh, bash, zsh).

  --driver=podman-cli|docker-cli|docker-socket|podman-socket  container engine used to build and run images.

  --enable-remote-services=true|false                         enable the resource flag for development commands shell,
                                                              jupyter, theia, and vnc.

  --image-tag=image-tag                                       tag that cli uses when building all its images.

  --interactive=true|false                                    if true, then certain cli commands will prompt the user
                                                              with interactive menus.

  --job-default-run-mode=sync|async                           determines if new jobs run sync or async by default.

  --job-ls-fields=job-ls-fields                               specifies which fields appear when running job:list. The
                                                              string must be a comma separated list that contains any
                                                              subset of the fields "id", "stack", "stackName", "status",
                                                              "command", "message".

  --jupyter-interface=lab|notebook                            Determine if jupyter:start command should run Jupyter lab
                                                              or Jupyter notebook.

  --on-http-start=on-http-start                               command that should be run after a Jupyter or Theia server

  --on-vnc-start=on-vnc-start                                 command that should be run after a vnc server starts.

  --rootfull=true|false                                       If true, then Podman or Docker will be explicitly run as
                                                              root; for cli drivers this requires passwordless sudo for
                                                              docker and podman commands.

  --run-shortcuts-file=run-shortcuts-file                     location of a yml file that can be used to specify run
                                                              shortcuts for the cjr job:start command; To disable set
                                                              value to ''.

  --selinux=true|false                                        if true, then the :Z option will be applied to all bind

  --socket-path=socket-path                                   location of container runtime socket.

  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                                     the default path to a folder that contains cjr stacks.

  --timeout-jupyter=timeout-jupyter                           maximum number of seconds that cjr should wait for jupyter
                                                              server to start.

  --timeout-theia=timeout-theia                               number of seconds that cjr should wait for theia server to

  --vnc-password=vnc-password                                 vnc default password

  --vnc-resolution=vnc-resolution                             vnc default resolution

  --xquartz-autostart=true|false                              only affects mac. if true, then cjr will try to start
                                                              xquartz automatically when --x11 flag is selected.

See code: src/commands/config/set.ts

cjr help [COMMAND]

display help for cjr

  $ cjr help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

cjr init

Initialize a project in the current directory.

  $ cjr init

  --resource=resource                      default resource for project
  --stack=stack                            default stack for project
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                  override default stack directory for project
  --template=empty|default|project-stacks  [default: default]

  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks          if specified, only these stacks will be visible when running cjr from within
                                           this project directory.

See code: src/commands/init.ts

cjr job:attach [ID]

Attach to a running job.

  $ cjr job:attach [ID]

  --no-autoload                    prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir          override default stack directory
  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks  if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

See code: src/commands/job/attach.ts

cjr job:cp [ID]

Copy job files back into the host directories; works on both running and completed jobs.

  $ cjr job:cp [ID]

  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                          Shows output from rsync.

  --all-files                            If selected, any include or exclude file will be ignored and all project files
                                         will be copied

  --copy-path=copy-path                  Overides job default copy path.


  --mode=update|overwrite|mirror|manual  [default: update] Specify copy mode: "update" copies only newer files, "merge"
                                         copies all files, "mirror" copies all files and removes any extranious files,
                                         "manual" opens an interactive sessions that allows a user to manually copy

  --no-autoload                          Prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files.


  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                Override default stack directory.

  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks        If specified only these stacks will be affected by this command.

See code: src/commands/job/cp.ts

cjr job:exec ID COMMAND

Start a new job using files from a completed or currently running job.

  $ cjr job:exec ID COMMAND

  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                          shows output for each stage of the job.

  --build-mode=build-mode                [default: cached] specify how to build stack. Options include "reuse-image",
                                         "cached", "no-cache", "cached,pull", and "no-cache,pull"

  --config-files=config-files            [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration


  --label=label                          [default: ] additional labels to append to job

  --message=message                      use this flag to tag a job with a user-supplied message

  --no-autoload                          prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

  --port=port                            [default: ]

  --profile=profile                      set stack profile



  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                override default stack directory


  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks        if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

  --working-directory=working-directory  [default: /home/vagrant/cjr] cli will behave as if it was called from the
                                         specified directory


See code: src/commands/job/exec.ts

cjr job:info [ID]

Get detailed information on the hidden properties of a job.

  $ cjr job:info [ID]

  --no-autoload                    prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir          override default stack directory
  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks  if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

See code: src/commands/job/info.ts

cjr job:log [ID]

Print console output generated by a job.

  $ cjr job:log [ID]

  --all                            show all output
  --lines=lines                    [default: 100]
  --no-autoload                    prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir          override default stack directory
  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks  if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

See code: src/commands/job/log.ts

cjr job:ls

List all running and completed jobs.

  $ cjr job:ls

  -v, --verbose                    shows all job properties.

  --all                            if this flag is added then list shows jobs from all stacks, regardless of whether
                                   stack flag is set




  --no-autoload                    prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files



  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir          override default stack directory

  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks  if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

See code: src/commands/job/ls.ts

cjr job:rm [ID]

Delete a job and its associated data; works on both running and completed jobs.

  $ cjr job:rm [ID]

  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose
  --no-autoload                    prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir          override default stack directory
  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks  if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

See code: src/commands/job/rm.ts

cjr job:shell [ID]

Start an interactive shell to view or modify a job's files or outputs.

  $ cjr job:shell [ID]

  -v, --verbose                          shows output for each stage of the job.

  --build-mode=build-mode                [default: reuse-image] specify how to build stack. Options include
                                         "reuse-image", "cached", "no-cache", "cached,pull", and "no-cache,pull"

  --config-files=config-files            [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration


  --label=label                          [default: ] additional labels to append to job

  --no-autoload                          prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

  --port=port                            [default: ]

  --profile=profile                      set stack profile



  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                override default stack directory

  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks        if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

  --working-directory=working-directory  [default: /home/vagrant/cjr] cli will behave as if it was called from the
                                         specified directory


See code: src/commands/job/shell.ts

cjr job:start COMMAND

Start a job that runs a shell command.

  $ cjr job:start COMMAND

  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                          shows output for each stage of the job.

  --build-mode=build-mode                [default: cached] specify how to build stack. Options include "reuse-image",
                                         "cached", "no-cache", "cached,pull", and "no-cache,pull"

  --config-files=config-files            [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration

  --copy                                 automatically copy files back to the project root on exit


  --file-access=volume|shared            [default: volume] how files are accessed from the container.

  --here                                 sets project-root to current working directory

  --label=label                          [default: ] additional labels to append to job

  --message=message                      use this flag to tag a job with a user-supplied message

  --no-autoload                          prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

  --no-copy                              do not copy files back to the project root on exit

  --port=port                            [default: ]

  --profile=profile                      set stack profile




  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                override default stack directory


  --working-directory=working-directory  [default: /home/vagrant/cjr] cli will behave as if it was called from the
                                         specified directory


See code: src/commands/job/start.ts

cjr job:state ID

Get the current state of a job.

  $ cjr job:state ID

  --no-autoload                    prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir          override default stack directory
  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks  if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

See code: src/commands/job/state.ts

cjr job:stop [ID]

Stop a running job. This command has no effect on completed jobs.

  $ cjr job:stop [ID]

  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose
  --all                            stop all running jobs
  --no-autoload                    prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir          override default stack directory
  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks  if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

See code: src/commands/job/stop.ts

cjr jupyter:ls

List running Jupyter servers.

  $ cjr jupyter:ls


See code: src/commands/jupyter/ls.ts

cjr jupyter:start [PROJECT-ROOT]

Start a Jupyter server.

  $ cjr jupyter:start [PROJECT-ROOT]

  -h, --here                             sets project-root to current working directory
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                          shows output for each stage of the job.

  --build-mode=build-mode                [default: reuse-image] specify how to build stack. Options include
                                         "reuse-image", "cached", "no-cache", "cached,pull", and "no-cache,pull"

  --config-files=config-files            [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration



  --label=label                          [default: ] additional labels to append to job

  --no-autoload                          prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

  --override-entrypoint                  forces container entrypoint to be sh shell. This may be useful for images that
                                         where not designed for cjr.

  --port=port                            [default: ]

  --profile=profile                      set stack profile



  --server-port=server-port              [default: auto] default port for the jupyter server


  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                override default stack directory

  --working-directory=working-directory  [default: /home/vagrant/cjr] cli will behave as if it was called from the
                                         specified directory


See code: src/commands/jupyter/start.ts

cjr jupyter:stop [PROJECT-ROOT]

Stop a running Jupyter server.

  $ cjr jupyter:stop [PROJECT-ROOT]

  -h, --here                   sets project-root to current working directory
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                shows output for each stage of the job.
  --all                        stop all jupyter servers running in host directories

See code: src/commands/jupyter/stop.ts

cjr pconfig:item-append

Adds one element to an array configuration property

  $ cjr pconfig:item-append

  -q, --quiet
  --project-root=project-root        location where settings should be written

  --stack=stack                      profile will only activate for stacks matching this name. If this flag is not
                                     supplied, profile will apply to all stacks


See code: src/commands/pconfig/item-append.ts

cjr pconfig:item-remove

Removes one element of an array configuration property.

  $ cjr pconfig:item-remove

  -q, --quiet
  --project-root=project-root        location where settings should be written

  --stack=stack                      profile will only activate for stacks matching this name. If this flag is not
                                     supplied, profile will apply to all stacks


See code: src/commands/pconfig/item-remove.ts

cjr pconfig:ls

List all project settings.

  $ cjr pconfig:ls

  --no-autoload                prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files
  --project-root=project-root  location where settings should be written

See code: src/commands/pconfig/ls.ts

cjr pconfig:profile:add [PATH]

Copies a configuration file into the current project profile directory.

  $ cjr pconfig:profile:add [PATH]


See code: src/commands/pconfig/profile/add.ts

cjr pconfig:rm

Remove one or more project settings.

  $ cjr pconfig:rm

  -q, --quiet
  --default-profiles           remove all additional overriding configuration files for project stack
  --project-root=project-root  location where settings should be written
  --project-root-auto          remove auto load for project
  --resource                   remove default resource for project
  --stack                      remove default stack for project
  --stacks-dir                 remove any overriding default stack directory for project
  --visible-stacks             if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

See code: src/commands/pconfig/rm.ts

cjr pconfig:set

Overwrite one or more project settings.

  $ cjr pconfig:set

  -q, --quiet
  --project-root=project-root      location where settings should be written
  --resource=resource              default resource for project
  --stack=stack                    default stack for project
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir          override default stack directory for project
  --visible-stacks=visible-stacks  if specified only these stacks will be affected by this command

See code: src/commands/pconfig/set.ts

cjr resource:add RESOURCE

Add a remote resource.

  $ cjr resource:add RESOURCE

  --address=address          (required)
  --storage-dir=storage-dir  location where job data is stored on remote host.
  --type=ssh                 (required)
  --username=username        (required)

See code: src/commands/resource/add.ts

cjr resource:ls

List all remote resources.

  $ cjr resource:ls

  -v, --verbose  show all properties for each remote resource.

See code: src/commands/resource/ls.ts

cjr resource:rm RESOURCE

Remove a remote resource.

  $ cjr resource:rm RESOURCE

See code: src/commands/resource/rm.ts

cjr resource:set RESOURCE

Set a remote resource parameter.

  $ cjr resource:set RESOURCE

  --option-key=option-key      [default: ]
  --option-value=option-value  [default: ]

See code: src/commands/resource/set.ts

cjr resource:ssh [RESOURCE]

ssh into a remote resource.

  $ cjr resource:ssh [RESOURCE]

  -X, --x11

See code: src/commands/resource/ssh.ts

cjr resource:sync:ls [RESOURCE]

List running Syncthing servers.

  $ cjr resource:sync:ls [RESOURCE]


See code: src/commands/resource/sync/ls.ts

cjr resource:sync:reset [RESOURCE]

Reset Syncthing persistant storage directories.

  $ cjr resource:sync:reset [RESOURCE]

  -h, --here                   sets project-root to current working directory
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                shows output for each stage of the job.

See code: src/commands/resource/sync/reset.ts

cjr resource:sync:start [RESOURCE]

Start a Syncthing server.

  $ cjr resource:sync:start [RESOURCE]

  -h, --here                   sets project-root to current working directory
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                shows output for each stage of the job.
  --no-autoload                prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

See code: src/commands/resource/sync/start.ts

cjr resource:sync:stop [RESOURCE]

Stop a running Syncthing server.

  $ cjr resource:sync:stop [RESOURCE]

  -h, --here                   sets project-root to current working directory
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                shows output for each stage of the job.
  --all                        stop all jupyter servers running in host directories

See code: src/commands/resource/sync/stop.ts

cjr resource:tunnel:stop [RESOURCE]

Manually stop any running ssh multiplexor used to tunnel service ports.

  $ cjr resource:tunnel:stop [RESOURCE]


See code: src/commands/resource/tunnel/stop.ts

cjr shell

Start an interactive shell for development on localhost.

  $ cjr shell

  -h, --here                             sets project-root to current working directory
  -v, --verbose                          shows output for each stage of the job.

  --build-mode=build-mode                [default: reuse-image] specify how to build stack. Options include
                                         "reuse-image", "cached", "no-cache", "cached,pull", and "no-cache,pull"

  --config-files=config-files            [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration


  --no-autoload                          prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

  --port=port                            [default: ]

  --profile=profile                      set stack profile




  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                override default stack directory

  --working-directory=working-directory  [default: /home/vagrant/cjr] cli will behave as if it was called from the
                                         specified directory


See code: src/commands/shell.ts

cjr stack:build [STACK]

Manually build an image for a stack.

  $ cjr stack:build [STACK]

  -q, --quiet
  --config-files=config-files  [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration
  --profile=profile            set stack profile
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir      override default stack directory

See code: src/commands/stack/build.ts

cjr stack:create NAME

Create a new cjr stack.

  $ cjr stack:create NAME

  --dockerfile=dockerfile  Create a new stack with using this Dockerfile.
  --image=image            Create a new stack based on an existing docker Image.
  --snapshottable          Create a new stack that supports snapshots.
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir  override default stack directory

See code: src/commands/stack/create.ts

cjr stack:ls

List all the stacks in the stacks directory.

  $ cjr stack:ls

  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir  override default stack directory

See code: src/commands/stack/ls.ts

cjr stack:pull URL

Clones or pulls a stack using git directly into the stack folder.

  $ cjr stack:pull URL

  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir  override default stack directory

See code: src/commands/stack/pull.ts

cjr stack:rmi [STACK]

Delete an image one or more stacks.

  $ cjr stack:rmi [STACK]

  -q, --quiet
  --config-files=config-files  [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration
  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir      override default stack directory

See code: src/commands/stack/rmi.ts

cjr stack:snapshot [STACK]

Start an interactive shell for development on localhost.

  $ cjr stack:snapshot [STACK]

  -h, --here                             sets project-root to current working directory
  -v, --verbose                          shows output for each stage of the job.

  --build-mode=build-mode                [default: reuse-image] specify how to build stack. Options include
                                         "reuse-image", "cached", "no-cache", "cached,pull", and "no-cache,pull"

  --config-files=config-files            [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration


  --no-autoload                          prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

  --port=port                            [default: ]

  --profile=profile                      set stack profile



  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                override default stack directory

  --working-directory=working-directory  [default: /home/vagrant/cjr] cli will behave as if it was called from the
                                         specified directory


See code: src/commands/stack/snapshot.ts

cjr theia:ls

List running Theia servers.

  $ cjr theia:ls


See code: src/commands/theia/ls.ts

cjr theia:start [PROJECT-ROOT]

Start a Theia server.

  $ cjr theia:start [PROJECT-ROOT]

  -h, --here                             sets project-root to current working directory
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                          shows output for each stage of the job.

  --build-mode=build-mode                [default: reuse-image] specify how to build stack. Options include
                                         "reuse-image", "cached", "no-cache", "cached,pull", and "no-cache,pull"

  --config-files=config-files            [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration



  --label=label                          [default: ] additional labels to append to job

  --no-autoload                          prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

  --override-entrypoint                  forces container entrypoint to be sh shell. This may be useful for images that
                                         where not designed for cjr.

  --port=port                            [default: ]

  --profile=profile                      set stack profile



  --server-port=server-port              [default: auto] default port for the jupyter server


  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                override default stack directory

  --working-directory=working-directory  [default: /home/vagrant/cjr] cli will behave as if it was called from the
                                         specified directory


See code: src/commands/theia/start.ts

cjr theia:stop [PROJECT-ROOT]

Stop a running Theia server.

  $ cjr theia:stop [PROJECT-ROOT]

  -h, --here                   sets project-root to current working directory
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                shows output for each stage of the job.
  --all                        stop all jupyter servers running in host directories

See code: src/commands/theia/stop.ts

cjr vnc:ls

List running VNC servers.

  $ cjr vnc:ls


See code: src/commands/vnc/ls.ts

cjr vnc:start [PROJECT-ROOT]

Start a VNC server.

  $ cjr vnc:start [PROJECT-ROOT]

  -h, --here                             sets project-root to current working directory
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                          shows output for each stage of the job.

  --build-mode=build-mode                [default: reuse-image] specify how to build stack. Options include
                                         "reuse-image", "cached", "no-cache", "cached,pull", and "no-cache,pull"

  --config-files=config-files            [default: ] additional configuration file to override stack configuration



  --label=label                          [default: ] additional labels to append to job

  --no-autoload                          prevents cli from automatically loading flags using project settings files

  --override-entrypoint                  forces container entrypoint to be sh shell. This may be useful for images that
                                         where not designed for cjr.

  --port=port                            [default: ]

  --profile=profile                      set stack profile



  --server-port=server-port              [default: auto] default port for the jupyter server


  --stacks-dir=stacks-dir                override default stack directory

  --working-directory=working-directory  [default: /home/vagrant/cjr] cli will behave as if it was called from the
                                         specified directory


See code: src/commands/vnc/start.ts

cjr vnc:stop [PROJECT-ROOT]

Stop a running VNC server.

  $ cjr vnc:stop [PROJECT-ROOT]

  -h, --here                   sets project-root to current working directory
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose                shows output for each stage of the job.
  --all                        stop all jupyter servers running in host directories

See code: src/commands/vnc/stop.ts


container job runner - a cli for developing scientific codes in containers and running containerized jobs on local and remote resources.







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