单页切换骨架。适用于移动web APP, Hybrid混合APP, Phonegap开发, 无兼容要求单页PC应用等。官方网站:http://www.mobilebone.org
- 实例1-仿QQ界面:http://iancj.github.io/qq/
- 实例2-暴走漫画制作器:http://baozoumanhua.com/mobile_makers/
- 测试页面:test/index.html
- 中文文档:docs/index.html
- Phonegap等类似跨移动开发平台,其静态页面都是index.html, 单页面,因此,需要跟原生一样的过场体验。
- Hybrid app开发,原生APP内嵌web APP, 为了两者体验一致,不至于交互太唐突,也需要无刷新过场效果。
- 就算是纯粹的移动web APP, 使用无刷新模式也不失为一种不错的选型策略。
- 对兼容性没有要求的单页PC应用,如类PowerPoint web文档,单页翻屏web站点等。
引入相关的CSS以及JS, 如下:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mobilebone.css">
<script src="mobilebone.js"></script>
body page page page
每个page是个满屏元素, 相当于一个独立的页面。
<a href="#targetPage">目标页面</a>
<a href="detail.php?id=112">请求详情页</a>
你可以控制切换的方向,任意扩展动画类型,可以被seajs, requiejs模块化加载(require('mobilebone')
- mobilebone.ppt.js: 可以让web页面表现如幻灯片演示,尺寸自适应。 demo点击这里。
mobilebone.js只做了一件事情,切换。所以,JS文件很小,gzip后4~5K, 而且很灵活,几乎没有任何UI的限制,适用于各个项目各个场景。同时,巧妙提供各类缓存管理、事件管理的接口,就像是个完整健全的骨架体系,就等你来加血添肉了!
Single Page Switching bone for mobile web APP, Hybrid APP, Phonegap, ...
git clone git://github.com/zhangxinxu/mobilebone.git
use npm
npm install mobilebone
- Example1: http://iancj.github.io/qq/
- Example2: http://baozoumanhua.com/mobile_makers/
- Test page: test/index.html
- Documents: docs/index.html
Interaction experience is good enough to compare with the native APP.
- Phonegap that to native APP is a single index.html, We need the same switch effects as native.
- Hybrid app, as you know, mixed web-app and native-app. So, it' better that they have some switching experience.
- Even no refresh interaction is not something bad for mobile APP.
Just include mobilebone.css and mobilebone.js, as follow:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mobilebone.css">
<script src="mobilebone.js"></script>
And, you should use specific HTML structure.
body page page page
Then Mobilebone will catch your attribute of href of 'a' element, and do switch. For example:
<a href="#targetPage">target page</a>
The interface will switch to page whitch's value of id
is targetPage
when you tap this link.
Of course, you can control the direction of switching, or use a ajax get, or as a modular loaded by seajs, requirejs using require('mobilebone')
For more detail, you can visit here.
- mobilebone.ppt.js: make web page to powerpoint presentation. demo here.
what mobilebone.js do just one thing - switching. So, it's small, flexible, and no any UI restriction. In a word, it's fit for variety of designs and scenes.
The MIT License