IDMFoundation is a collection of what is needed to create a popular ios application that uses web services.
As part of the base project, IDMFoundation includes the foundation classes built with IDMCore concpet and a standard error handling and loading mechanism. IDMFoundation is divided into several sub-specs, you can choose which really needed sub-spec to install for your project to not become redundant.
IDMFoudation uses:
pod 'IDMFoundation'
github "congncif/IDMFoundation"
Xcode 9.3+
Swift 4.1+
IDMFoundation provides templates to help quickly create an ios app which follows IDMCore & ModuleX.
To install template, clone module-template repo then go to the project directory, run command ./
Once that's done, when you create a new file, you'll see them appears.
Happy coding!
congncif, [email protected]
IDMFoundation is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.