Process HAML templates to precompiled JavaScript or rendered HTML.
If you haven't used grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a gruntfile as well as install and use grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-haml --save-dev
Run this task with the grunt haml
This task is a [multi task][] so any targets, files and options should be specified according to the [multi task][] documentation. [multi task]:
Type: string
Default: js
Specifies the script language and compiler to use alongside HAML.
Accepts following values: coffee
, js
, or ruby
If given coffee
or js
it will use
haml-coffee or haml-js respectively. If given ruby
it will
shell out to the haml gem executable.
Type: string
Default: html
Specifies the target language to compile to.
Accepts the following values: js
or html
. For js
the template
is generated and for html
the template is both generated and rendered
into its resultant HTML.
If language
is set to ruby
then target
must be set to html
Type: string
Default: global
Specifies where to place the resultant template.
Currently accepts either global
or amd
places the template on the window.amd
uses AMD to load the template.
Defined only for target == 'js'.
Type: string
Default: window.HAML
Specifies the global object to store the compiled HAML templates in.
Defined only for target == 'js' and placement == 'global'.
Type: string
Default: basename without extension of the input HAML file
Specifies the name to store the compiled HAML template as in the object
specified by namespace
With a name
of 'apple' and a namespace of this._template
, you'd get
something like this:
window.HAML['apple'] = function(locals) {
// template code
Defined only for target == 'js' and placement == 'global'.
Type: object
Default: {}
Set variables that can be evaluated within haml templates.
The haml file:
%h1= "hello #{ @greet }"
With the configuration
context: {
'greet': 'Morgan Freeman'
Would compile to
<h1>hello Morgan Freeman</h1>
Defined only for target == 'html'
Type: object
Default: {}
Specifies any module dependencies of the HAML file that must be loaded via
the AMD define statement. These are automatically appended to if there are
any require
statements in the HAML code.
With the following HAML file:
!= require('path/to/other')()
%p Hello World
And the following options (in the Gruntfile.js
haml: {
compile: {
files: // ...
options: {
dependencies: {
$: 'jquery',
_: 'underscore'
The resultant template would be something like this:
define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'path/to/other'], function($, _, other) {
// template code
Defined only for target == 'js'.
Type: boolean
Default: true
Compile the JavaScript without the top-level function safety wrapper.
Defined only for language == 'coffee' and target == 'js'.
Type: boolean
Default: true
Process HAML templates to precompiled JavaScript or not. Defaults to true
target == 'js'
and is forced to false
for target == 'html'
Type: string
Default: haml -t ugly
The shell command which will be ran to compile the HAML. The path to the HAML file will be passed as the last command-line argument.
*Defined only for language == 'ruby'
Type: boolean
Default: false
Specifies whether or not to include the relative path in automatic generated name.
When enabled, you'll get results like window.HAML['path/to/template'] instead of window.HAML['template'].
Defined only placement == 'global'
Type: string
Default: ./
Specifies the path names will be based from.
If pathRelativeTo == ./templates/
you would get:
Otherwise, with ./
you'll get:
Defined only placement == 'global'
haml: {
one: {
files: {
// 1:1 compile
'path/to/result.js': 'path/to/source.haml',
// compile and concat into single file
'path/to/another.js': ['path/to/sources/*.haml', 'path/to/more/*.haml']
// compile individually into dest, maintaining folder structure
two: {
files: grunt.file.expandMapping(['path/to/*.haml'], 'path/to/dest/', {
rename: function(base, path) {
return base + path.replace(/\.haml$/, '.js');
- 2013-10-09 v0.8.0 Update version of haml-coffee 1.13.x Rendering to HTML with partials now works correctly
- 2013-08-21 v0.7.0 Replace execSync with proper use of exec.
- 2013-08-11 v0.6.1 Update version of haml-coffee 1.11.x
- 2013-08-06 v0.6.0 Add 'precompile', 'includePath', and 'pathRelativeTo' option @leahciMic
- 2013-05-27 v0.5.0 Add 'ruby' as a language option Update version of haml-coffee 1.10.x
- 2013-04-15 v0.4.0 Full support of grunt 0.4.x
- 2013-03-21 v0.3.2 Corrected placement option to match readme.
- 2013-01-27 v0.3.1 Update to current version of grunt.
- 2012-12-19 v0.3.0 Name changed to
Default target changed tohtml
- 2012-12-18 v0.1.3 Updated README.
- 2012-12-18 v0.1.2 Fixed package.json syntax error.
- 2012-12-18 v0.1.1 Fixed package.json dependencies.
- 2012-12-18 v0.1.0 Rewrite from scratch (referencing grunt-contrib). Support for full gamut of options.
- 2012-12-16 v0.0.2 Fixed a syntax error in the package.json (missing comma).
- 2012-11-06 v0.0.1 Initial release; only slightly modified from what
was at the time.
Task submitted by Ryan Leckey
This file was generated on Wed Jan 29 2014 11:31:48.