For Right to Left direction languages: Persian, Arabic, Hebrew
Bootstrap RTL 3 , Bootstrap RTL 4
3.3.7 Version
4.0.0-alpha.6.1 Version 4.0.0-alpha.6.1.1
This is a fix for Right to Left Language direction compatibility for Bootstrap, It is the best and standard style which can be use for Persian (Farsi), Arabic, Hebrew languages
You can keep the original CSS and JS files of Bootstrap, To make the RTL compatibility just add the following line just after loading the Bootstrap CSS:
For Bootstrap 3.3.7:
<!-- Original Bootstrap 3.3.7 -->
<link rel='stylesheet' id='bootstrap-css' href='PATH/bootstrap.min.css?ver=3.3.7' type='text/css' />
<!-- Bootstrap RTL -->
<link rel='stylesheet' id='bootstrap-rtl-css' href='PATH/bootstrap.rtl.min.css?ver=' type='text/css' />
<!-- Bootstrap RTL -->
<link rel='stylesheet' id='bootstrap-rtl-css' href='PATH/bootstrap.rtl.full.min.css?ver=' type='text/css' />
For Bootstrap 4.0.0.alpha.6:
<!-- Original Bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.6 -->
<link rel='stylesheet' id='bootstrap-css' href='PATH/bootstrap.min.css?ver=4.0.0-alpha.6' type='text/css' />
<!-- RTL Bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.6.1 -->
<link rel='stylesheet' id='bootstrap-rtl-css' href='PATH/bootstrap.rtl.min.css?ver=4.0.0-alpha.6.1' type='text/css' />
if you want to contribute to this project, You can simply edit files and submit your changes here, Or if you know what is GitHub, So please Fork this project :)
Farhad Sakhaei