Full Changelog:
- Fixed a bug with inheritPk for pk and id fields
- Allowing for read-only role based access control
- Fixed the API button to link to a single record
- Fixing bugs with read and write role based access control
- Removing obsolete methods
- Add a XML encoder method to TouteEcrivain
- Adding new vertical row feature with field name, value, description
- Enable filtering on archived and deleted records
- Adding the genererId method to generate IDs from strings
- Adding a better parser of location for lat,lon and NGSI-LD format
- Fixing the websocket updates with the right vars in a PATCH request
- Truncating ZoneDateTimes to millis for accurate comparison
- Fixing the PUTCopy APIs
- Adding a Modified: false feature to entities that should be read-only
- Fixing the refresh of read-only entities
- Allowing the PUTCopy page to redirect to the new record
- Allowing the service startup to index all non-Gen Java classes including pages
- Changing indexedstored point fields to facet fields
- Adding a Generated indexed field for classes in Solr
- Adding an Ansible Playbook to help describe what is stored in the computate search engine