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Flottform Project Overview

Flottform allows your web application to connect a secondary device to it. Leveraging peer-to-peer (P2P) connections using WebRTC, it simplifies the process of establishing data channels between peers, enabling file, data, and text exchanges. The library offers a default UI for rapid development and lets developers create completely customizable experiences, tailored to the application at hand.

Key Features

  • Default UI Component: Provides a ready-to-use accordion-style interface for rapid integration.
  • WebRTC Integration: Simplifies the establishment of P2P connections by handling signaling, ICE candidate exchange, and peer management.
  • Event-Driven Architecture: Emits events for different connection states (e.g., new, endpoint-created, connected, disconnected, error) to enable UI customization.
  • Modular Structure: Supports different data transfer through specialized classes (currently files and text).
  • Cross-Device Compatibility: Ensures reliable P2P connections across various devices and platforms.

Module Overview

1. Forms Module

Contains the primary classes for managing WebRTC connections. Use this to add Flottform to your web application. See the @flottform/forms package for more information.

2. Signaling Server Module

Handles the initial data exchange necessary for WebRTC connection setup. This module supports routes for adding ICE candidates, session descriptions, and returning server credentials for establishing connections.

See the @flottform/signaling-server package for more information.

3. Demo Module

Showcases the various features and capabilities of the Flottform library through real-world scenarios. Demonstrates connection setup, file, and text sharing in diverse use cases, making it easier for developers to understand and adapt the library.

See the @flottform/demo package for more information.

4. Where Are You At Module

A practical implementation of Flottform, enabling users to share and access location data easily. This module emphasizes the library’s ability to create responsive, user-friendly applications for real-time data sharing.

See the server for more information.


Developers can override the default UI by listening to events emitted by the FlottformTextInputHost, FlottformTextInputClient, FlottformFileInputHost, FlottformFileInputClient and updating the UI based on these events.

Use Cases

  • File Sharing Applications: Securely send and receive files between users.
  • Real-Time Collaboration Tools: Share text and images instantly with peers.
  • Location-Based Services: Access your friend's location with one click.
  • Use capabilities of another device: Use the pen on your tablet to draw something you want to have on your laptop.


This project is licensed under Non-Commercial License (CUNCL).


For questions or support, please reach out to [email protected].