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Initally a logbook for me, a person with type one diabetes mellitus, for blood glucose, insulin, and macronutrients. This evolved over time into a TeX project- making it prettier and/or easier to use. Mostly everything is commented in dmlb.sty, template.tex,and graphmedaddy.tex, to allow somebody to extend it to, say, have less columns, record and possibly graph values from additional or other columns.

If you need help with anything related to the package, open up an issue.


Assuming you've just cloned the repo, or downloaded or extracted the CTAN package,

Customization. To your satisfaction customize and edit:

  • the colors: the default color scheme can be edited from the main .tex file, but, if you'd like a quick, no-fuss solution---the [gray] package option provides a grayscale color scheme (that you can edit), just comment out the % COLORS section in the main file; -- page geometry (I can assure it works with A4 ISO standard, some parameters (like \mym) may need tweeking);
  • data and graphing auxiliary file destination; default: ./graphs/;
  • y-axis (blood sugar) scale compression by \mya units, starting at \myb (positive real or int); \myc currently unused;


  • before the first entry, be it from an input file or from the main .tex one, set the date accordingly using \dmlbsetdate{YYYY-MM-DD}[DIR], otherwise it'll be 0-00-00; the optional argument is an absolute or relative path to a directory containing files named YY-MM.tex, which are to contain only \QQQ commands, possibly \dmlbsetdate for dates without a single \QQQ, or comments; these files will chronologically month- then year-wise be input; name files accordingly or edit the .sty file; lastly, be wary of recursively loading from relative paths (haven't tested myself);
  • !: end the last astonomical entry (can be at the lastest 23:59) with an asterisk * to not append those entries to new date, to keep correct track of the date (and more); if data are missing, or if you would like to skip a day or longer, even years (chronologicity must be kept), append the last entry with an asterisk * and use \dmlbsetdate to keep track the date;
  • if you're gonna use two headers, such that the first takes up more rows than the second, adjust \global\advance\row ...\relax with the difference. Not configured for no headers yet, I think; default as provided works fine;
  • main command is \QQQ: it inputs a new entry/row in the logbook; a single { or } more or less and it won't compile; I recommend a snippet to facilite data entry and error reduction, if you're text editor supports them;
  • data is paritioned in \myd-day chunks- one per graph, of which there are 5 per page w/ default everything;
  • run main without [graph] option to get .dat's (error, but should compile, if run with graph opt and no pdfs exist);


  • compile once wihout the [graph] packtion option;
  • through a terminal emulation, run -shell-escape graphmedaddy.tex, where the `` is either pdflatex or `xelatex`;
  • if previous data have been changed, or would like to rerender them, or if dealing with the present, delete all respective files in the auxiliary data directory or uncomment force remake in the .sty, otherwise previously rendered .pfds will be inserted;
  • rebuild main with the [graph] package option;
  • labels for each next day, i.e., before the actual entry, and pdfbookmarks for all years, months, and graphs- anchors being yyyy-mm-dd resp. gr:#, starting from 1;


Not fullly up to date though still representative: ".tex commented out" ".tex color"


  • migrate from tikz/pgf to matplotlib, or sth else; interalized graphics necessary at all?
  • reduce user overhead;
  • Fix issue with date vertical positioning with different hmargins, page size, and/or m-column width;


latex diabetes logbook








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