FormHandler is a PHP written "module" which allows you to create dynamic forms in an easy way. So easy that you can build a fully working form, including field validations, within 10 lines!
Edit your composer.json to add a new repository:
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "comexpertise/formhandler",
"version": "master",
"source": {
"url": "",
"type": "git",
"reference": "v3end"
Install the latest version with
$ composer require comexpertise/formhandler
When the vendor directory is outside the root directory of your web application use a symlink on the FHTML directory to make it publicly available.
For example: map vendor/formhandler/formhandler/src/FHTML to /FHTML/ of your website root. Then add to your application
fh_conf('FH_FHTML_DIR', '/FHTML/');
//include the class (only needed when not using Composer)
include "FH3/class.FormHandler.php";
//when using composer include the autoloader of composer
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
//create a new FormHandler object
$form = new FormHandler();
//some fields.. (see manual for examples)
$form->textField("Name", "name", FH_STRING, 20, 40);
$form->textField("Age", "age", FH_INTEGER, 4, 2);
//button for submitting
//set the 'commit-after-form' function
//display the form
//the 'commit-after-form' function
function doRun($data)
echo "Hello ". $data['name'].", you are ".$data['age'] ." years old!";
For an extended version of the documentation please check our manual located at
FormHandler is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 - see the LICENSE
file for details