An Arduino Due (SAM3X) based motor controller. Somewhat generic in terms of hardware but really meant primarily to replace the main board in a DMOC645
There are a few basic reasons for this to exist:
There are nearly 100 DMOC's (maybe more) that are air cooled and somewhat between the gen1 and gen2 DMOCs. There isn't much information about these and so these DMOCs cannot other be used.
The Azure DMOCs aren't really meant for driving all sorts of motors so if you don't use the exact motor the firmware was meant for you run into trouble.
There aren't really any good open source examples of using the SAM3X in an inverter. That's unfortunate as the SAM3X has full support for synchronized PWM channels with dead time as well as many other useful features for being a motor controller. But, it isn't a very common chip to use for motor control.