Protect the Plone contact form from spam with reCAPTCHA 2.
This Plone add-on adds a plone.formwidget.recaptcha spam protection field to the contact form.
This add-on can be seen in action at the following sites:
Install collective.recaptchacontactform by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = collective.recaptchacontactform
and then running bin/buildout
Go to the Plone add-on control panel ("prefs_install_products_form") and install collective.recaptchacontactform.
Then you should see the ReCaptcha control panel ("@@recaptcha-settings").
Go to and register your domain in order to get a "site key" and a "secret key".
Go to the ReCaptcha control panel ("@@recaptcha-settings") and enter those keys into the form. Save the form.
If you go to the contact form now ("contact-info") and you will see an ReCaptcha field at the bottom of the form.
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- Source Code:
If you are having issues, please let us know via the github issue tracker:
The development of this plugin has been kindly sponsored by The Document Foundation.
Developed by kitconcept.
The project is licensed under the GPLv2.