This product offers a multiple files upload tool for Plone, with multi selection, drag and drop, and progress bar. A pure Javascript tool is used on client side, with HTML5 file fields and Ajax upload for modern browsers, and a graceful fallback for other browsers. You can also choose to replace the Javascript with jquery.uploadify, a flashupload based script which could be interesting in rare situations (Plone site for MSIE client's browsers only, without HTTP authentication in front, and no HTTPS).
2.x supports Plone 5.2 and later
1.x supports Plone 4.0 to 4.3
This product has been translated into
- Czech.
- German.
- Spanish.
- Basque.
- Finnish.
- French.
- Italian.
- Dutch.
- Norwegian.
- Brazilian Portuguese.
- Slovenčina.
- Simplified Chinese.
- Traditional Chinese.
You can contribute for any message missing or other new languages, join us at Plone Collective Team into service with all world Plone translators community.
To install it in your buildout, just add collective.quickupload
to your egg
list, like this:
[buildout] ... eggs = collective.quickupload
and then running bin/buildout
To install it in Plone, use the Addons control panel, select "Plone Quick Upload" Product and install it.
To see it in action, just assign the Quick Upload portlet
somewhere in your
site and test it.
This package contains:
A simple Ajax view that can be called by any Plone template.
This view is using a Javascript multiple upload tool based on
(a fork with many ameliorations of OR jquery.uploadify.js (based on flashupload, see also collective.uploadify Plone product from which some parts of code have been taken)By default the Javascript only method is used : the fileuploader.js is a pure Ajax file uploader which uses HTML5 multiple file fields and Ajax upload post method. It's not a jQuery plugin. For modern browsers like FireFox 3.6+, Chrome, or Safari 4+, it offers drag and drop, multi-selection, and progress bar during upload. For other browsers (IE7, IE8, ...), the script offers a graceful hidden iframe upload fall back.
Flashupload (jquery.uploadify) is more user friendly under MSIE, but has some "big" problems:
- cannot be used behind any kind of HTTP authentication (basic authentication, windowsNT authentication, ...)
- cannot be used through HTTPS
- not open source
the webmaster has the choice between these 2 solutions (see control panel below).
the upload form can be viewed only with permission CMF.AddPortalContent on context
the upload form can be viewed only for objects providing IQuickUploadCapable, by default ATFolder, ATBTreeFolder and Plone Site are implementing IQuickUploadCapable
the quickupload form allows to fill title and description for each uploaded file (see control panel below)
the quickupload view log and returns errors to the form (unauthorized, id always exist, type not allowed, etc ... )
the view can use some attributes set in session or request:
force mediatype (could be None, image, video, audio, or something like this '.pdf;.doc;')
if a mediatype is set in request :
with fileuploader.js an error is raised in the form when a file content-type selected is not correct.
- with Flashupload, only choosed content types are shown in selection window, with a specific message "select images", "select video files" (...).
force portal_type
if portal_type is not set in request, content_type_registry is used to find the good portal_type, otherwise the "File" portal_type will be used.
a basic Plone Control panel with some options:
- use flashupload (yes/no), default = no
- fill file's titles in form (yes/no), default = yes
- fill file's descriptions in form (yes/no), default = no
- automatic upload on select (yes/no), default=no
- max size limit for each file in KB (default= 0 = no limit)
- simultaneous uploads limit (default=2, 0 = no limit)
- a portlet calling the quickupload Ajax view (it's also an example on how to use the quick_upload view)
- the portlet is not assigned (can be done TTW or in another package)
- control panel GS profile
- the Javascript and CSS registry GS profile
- portlet GS profile
- doctests for control panel, portlet, and quick_upload view
- Plone 4.3
- Plone 4.2
- Plone 4.1
Plone 4.0 support stopped with 1.6.0, Plone 3.3.x support stopped with 1.0.3.
These ameliorations have been done:
- queue uploads
- graphic progress bar
- simultaneous upload limit
- can send all files in a second time, after multiple selections, and after different actions on form.
- can add new fields using a new method (onAfterSelect), associated to each file
- debugMode and debugConsole
- CSS improvements
How to add the quickupload view in my own template or viewlet?
Just look the quickupload portlet code, it's really easy.
You can also take a look at collective.plonefinder product which requires
.How to set by code types where upload is allowed ?
You include
only, adding to your productconfigure.zcml
:<exclude package="collective.quickupload" file="configure.zcml" /> <include package="collective.quickupload" file="minimal.zcml" />
And you implement IUploadCapable on types you want:
<class class=".content.EPRIVR_Documents.EPRIVR_Domain"> <implements interface="collective.quickupload.browser.interfaces.IQuickUploadCapable" /> </class>
How to exclude upload on some types ?
If a type implements IQuickUploadNotCapable, portlet will never be shown on it. Add to your zcml:
<class class=".content.MyContent"> <implements interface="collective.quickupload.browser.interfaces.IQuickUploadNotCapable" /> </class>
- Javascript client tests
- unit tests for upload methods
- fileuploader.js refactorisation using jQuery
- add tests for upload viewlet
- pep8/code cleanup
- set default values to show upload button after install
- WTF confusing docs?
This add-on is tested using Travis CI. The current status of the add-on is:
Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by opening a ticket.
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
Jean-mat Grimaldi
Thanks to :
- Adrew Valumns (for original fileuploader.js),
- Ramon Bartl (for some parts of code taken in collective.uploadify Plone product),
- Ronnie Garcia, Travis Nickels (for jquery.uploadify.js)
- Gilles Lenfant David Pack and Christophe Combelles, Alter Way Solutions, for functional tests, ideas, and moral support.
- Maik Roeder, for functional tests
- Thomas Desvenain, current maintainer
- Daniel Widerin
- Wolfgang Thomas
- Leonardo J. Caballero G.
The project is licensed under the GPL.