points Public
A specification for storing shape data in Javascript, and some handy manipulation functions
theyvoteforyou Public
They want you to vote for them. But do they vote for you?
svg-arc-to-cubic-bezier Public
A function that takes an SVG arc curve as input, and maps it to one or more cubic bezier curves
ghost-storage-adapter-s3 Public
An AWS S3 storage adapter for Ghost
svg-points Public
A specification for storing SVG shape data in Javascript, and some handy conversion functions
consent.js Public
A simple Javascript API to ask for and store consent
wilderness Public
An SVG animation API
wilderness-core Public
The SVG animation engine behind Wilderness
comments Public
Forked from verbb/commentsA Craft CMS plugin for managing comments directly within the CMS.
wilderness-dom-node Public
A set of functions to convert between SVG DOM nodes, Plain Shape Objects and Frame Shapes
craft-imageoptimize Public
Forked from nystudio107/craft-imageoptimizeAutomatically create & optimize responsive image transforms, using either native Craft transforms or a service like Imgix, with zero template changes.
tienda-docs Public
Documentation site for Tienda – an ecommerce plugin for Craft CMS
www-https-redirect Public
A simple express server for www > https redirects
universal-redux-router Public
A router that turns URL params into first-class Redux state and runs action creators on navigation