This is a plugin for LocomotiveCMS. It was created to allow LocomotiveCMS designers to send emails when content entries are created, saved, or destroyed.
It makes use of the JS3 feature of Locomotive plugins, allowing designers to write javascript that intergrates with other plugins.
To use this plugin you must be using a version of LocomotiveCMS that has the plugins feature designed by Colibri Software. You can do this by making the following changes to the Gemfile in you app:
- Remove or comment out the following line:
gem 'locomotive_cms', '~> 2.X.X', require: 'locomotive/engine'
- Add the following line:
gem 'locomotive_cms', require: 'locomotive/engine', git: '', branch: 'plugins'
Then add the following lines in your Gemfile to include the plugin:
group :locomotive_plugins do
gem 'hbird_notification', git:'
This plugin provides a few configuration options which are as follows:
- Email Sender – the email address that the emails will appear to come from.
- Mail Generation Script – javascript that be run everytime a content entry is created, saved, or destroyed. There are several variables that are provided to the javascript. They are as follows
- document – the document that was modified
- content_type – the content_type of the document
- action – the action preformed on the document (‘create’, ‘save’, ‘destroy’)
- email_user(address,subject,body) – a function that takes three params that will send emails.
This plugin provides no liquid drops
This plugin provides no liquid tags
This plugin provides no liquid filters
The plugin provides no methods or variables for JS3.