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first draft comparing tidyson to purrr #3
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Jeremy committed Aug 26, 2016
1 parent a5e7b68 commit 538e930
Showing 1 changed file with 397 additions and 0 deletions.
397 changes: 397 additions & 0 deletions vignettes/making-tidyjson-purrr.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
title: "Making tidyjson purrr"
author: "Jeremy Stanley"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title}

```{r, echo = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>")
options(dplyr.print_min = 4L, dplyr.print_max = 4L)

## Load required libraries

```{r, message = FALSE}
library(tidyjson) # this library
library(dplyr) # for %>% and other dplyr functions
library(purrr) # to compare against purrr
library(jsonlite) # use fromJSON
library(tidyr) # for nest and unnnest
library(tibble) # for tibble creation
library(magrittr) # for `%$%`
library(ggplot2) # for plotting
library(forcats) # easier factor manipulation

## Companies Data

Let's work with a sample of the companies data

samp_co <- companies[sample(1:length(companies), 50)]

We can see the structure of a sample record with `str`


## `tbl_json`

We are working with a character array of JSON, which tidyjson coerces directly
into a tibble.

samp_co %>% as.tbl_json %>% head

The JSON is stored as an attribute

samp_co %>% as.tbl_json %>% attr("JSON") %>% length

We can't put this data directly into fromJSON because it expects a single string
or file

```{r, error = TRUE}
samp_co %>% fromJSON

Rather, we'll have to construct a tibble manually and then convert it with
`jsonlite::fromJSON` using `purrr::map`, where I use `dplyr::transmute` in order
to drop the converted text column.

tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON))

## `gather_keys`

First let's look at the prevalance of keys in the top level

samp_co %>%
gather_keys %>%
count(key) %>%

tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON)) %>%
mutate(key = json %>% map(names)) %>%
unnest(key) %>%
count(key) %>%

## `json_types`

Similarly, we can look at the types of the keys

samp_co %>%
gather_keys %>%
json_types %>%
count(type) %>%

With purrr

tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON)) %>%
transmute(type = json %>% map(map_chr, class)) %>%
unnest(type) %>%
count(type) %>%

In some cases we are getting lists and in other cases data.frames. Perhaps if
we turn simplification off in fromJSON:

tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
transmute(type = json %>% map(map_chr, class)) %>%
unnest(type) %>%
count(type) %>%

This is better, but it seems to be collapsing the arrays and objects together.

tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
transmute(type = json %>% map(tidyjson:::determine_types)) %>%
unnest(type) %>%
count(type) %>%

We get the correct answer by using the internal `tidyjson:::determine_types`

## `json_lengths`


samp_co %>%
gather_keys %>%
json_types %>%
filter(type %in% c("object", "array")) %>%
json_lengths %>%
group_by(key, type) %>%
summarize(mean.length = mean(length)) %>%

in purrr

tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
mutate(key = json %>% map(names),
type = json %>% map(tidyjson:::determine_types),
length = json %>% map(map_int, length)) %>%
unnest(key, type, length) %>%
filter(type %in% c("object", "array")) %>%
group_by(key, type) %>%
summarize(mean.length = mean(length)) %>%

## `spread_values`

In order to decide what to capture, let's first look at the columns available
to us

```{r, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6}
samp_co %>% gather_keys %>% json_types %>%
mutate(key = key %>% fct_rev) %>%
count(key, type) %>%
mutate(null = type == "null") %>%
group_by(key) %>%
arrange(null, desc(n)) %>%
mutate(first_type = type[[1]]) %>%
mutate(not.null = !null) %>%
ggplot(aes(n, key, colour = not.null)) +
geom_segment(aes(xend = 0, yend = key), size = 2) +
facet_grid(first_type ~ ., scale = "free", space = "free", switch = 'y') +
theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 180))

Many of the top level keys are objects or arrays, but some are strings and
numbers, so let's grab a few (noting that `$oid` is nested under `"_id"`.

samp_co %>%
id = jstring("_id", "$oid"),
name = jstring("name"),
email_address = jstring("email_address"),
founded_year = jnumber("founded_year")
) %>% head

We can attempt something similar with map_chr for the character strings

```{r, error = TRUE}
tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
id = json %>% map_chr("_id", "$oid"),
name = json %>% map_chr("name"),
email_address = json %>% map_chr("email_address"),
founded_year = json %>% map_dbl("founded_year")

This fails because `email_address`, `number_of_employees` and `founded_year` all
have `null` values in them. We can fix this by handling the NULLs explicitly.

rep_null <- function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), NA, x)
tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
id = json %>% map("_id") %>% map("$oid") %>% map_chr(rep_null),
name = json %>% map("name") %>% map_chr(rep_null),
email_address = json %>% map("email_address") %>% map_chr(rep_null),
founded_year = json %>% map("founded_year") %>% map_dbl(rep_null)

Alternatively, we can try to use select to just get the columns we want and then
unnest them. However, this fails for the same `null` reason as above.

```{r, error = TRUE}
tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
mutate(sub = json %>%
map(. %$% tibble(name, email_address, number_of_employees, founded_year))) %>%

If we create a modified tibble constructor that ensures everything passes through
rep_null first then this works

```{r, error = TRUE}
tibble_null <- function(...)
lst(...) %>% map(rep_null) %>% as_tibble
tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
mutate(sub = json %>%
map(. %$% tibble_null(name, email_address, number_of_employees, founded_year))) %>%

However, we cannot access `"_id", "$oid"` in this way.

## `enter_object`

In tidyjson, we use `enter_object` in order to navigate deeper into objects
that are nested.

samp_co %>%
enter_object("acquisition") %>%
gather_keys %>%
json_types %>%
count(key, type) %>%
spread(type, n) %>%

We can go even deeper and look at the `acquiring_company` object:

samp_co %>%
enter_object("acquisition", "acquiring_company") %>%
gather_keys %>%
json_types %>%
count(key, type) %>%
spread(type, n) %>%

We can then structure this data as follows:

samp_co %>%
spread_values(name = jstring("name")) %>%
enter_object("acquisition") %>%
year = jnumber("acquired_year"),
amount = jnumber("price_amount"),
currency = jstring("price_currency_code"),
acquired_by = jstring("acquiring_company", "name")

Note that `enter_object` drops rows without data.

Now, let's try with purrr

tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
name = json %>% map("name") %>% map_chr(rep_null),
acquisition = json %>% map("acquisition")
) %>%
filter(!map_lgl(acquisition, is.null)) %>%
year = acquisition %>% map("acquired_year") %>% map_int(rep_null),
amount = acquisition %>% map("price_amount") %>% map_dbl(rep_null),
currency = acquisition %>% map("price_currency_code") %>% map_chr(rep_null),
acquired_by = acquisition %>% map("acquiring_company") %>% map("name") %>% map_chr(rep_null)
) %>%
select(-json, -acquisition)

## `gather_array`

Let's look inside of the funding rounds array

samp_co %>%
spread_values(name = jstring("name")) %>%
enter_object("funding_rounds") %>%
gather_array %>%
gather_keys %>%
json_types %>%
count(key, type) %>%
spread(type, n) %>%

Now we can structure this data as well

samp_co %>%
spread_values(name = jstring("name")) %>%
enter_object("funding_rounds") %>%
gather_array("round_number") %>%
year = jnumber("funded_year"),
round = jstring("round_code"),
raised = jnumber("raised_amount")
) %>% tbl_df

Now with purrr (must be a better way)

tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
name = json %>% map("name") %>% map_chr(rep_null),
rounds = json %>% map("funding_rounds")
) %>%
filter(map_int(rounds, length) > 0) %>%
mutate(rounds = rounds %>%
map(. %>% as.list %>% tibble(rounds = .))
) %>%
unnest(rounds) %>%
group_by(name) %>%
mutate(round_number = 1:n()) %>%
year = rounds %>% map("funded_year") %>% map_int(rep_null),
round = rounds %>% map("round_code") %>% map_chr(rep_null),
raised = rounds %>% map("raised_amount") %>% map_dbl(rep_null)
) %>%

## `append_values_*`

In tidyjson, there are `append_values_logical`, `append_values_number` and
`append_values_string` functions which build up additional columns of data.

samp_co %>%
gather_keys %>%
json_types %>%
filter(type == "string") %>%
select(-type) %>%
append_values_string("value") %>%
tbl_df %>%
spread(key, value)

In purrr

tibble(json = samp_co %>% map(fromJSON, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)) %>%
mutate( = 1:n(),
key = json %>% map(names),
type = json %>% map(tidyjson:::determine_types),
value = json %>% map(~tibble(value = .))) %>%
unnest(key, type, value) %>%
filter(type == "string") %>%
select(-type) %>%
mutate(value = value %>% map_chr(identity)) %>%
spread(key, value)

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