This plugin brings the power of natural language processing to the JFrog command line. It transforms descriptions of command line tasks in English to their jfrog CLI syntax
Make sure you have python 3 installed on the machine and accessible. Install the nlc2cmd requirements:
pip install -r nlc2cmd/requirements.txt
Train the model as described in the nlc2cmd readme. You can also download a pretrained model and place in nlc2cmd/src/model/run.
Define and environment variable TALK2FROG_MODEL_HOME to point to the nlc2cmd path (jfrog-cli-nlc/nlc2cmd).
Installing the latest version:
$ jfrog plugin install talk2frog
Installing a specific version:
$ jfrog plugin install talk2frog@version
Uninstalling a plugin
$ jfrog plugin uninstall talk2frog
- do
- Argument: Quoted English command description
- Example:
$ jfrog talk2frog do "Audit the Go project at the current directory using the watch1 watch defined in Xray" Translating to command ... Result: jfrog xr ago --watches watch1 Would you like to execute it now? (y/n) [n]?
This plugin uses a learning module named nlc2cmd. We forked the project's repository and added the things that are relevant for learning jfrog cli specific commands. This module is based on the transformer architecture for sequence to sequence translation.
The release notes are available here.