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Cloning Repositories

  1. If you are working with an existing agent, move the team_code directory outside the leaderboard directory.

  2. If you wish to host your agent code online, fork your own version of the rai-leaderboard so you can modify it easily for your agent.

    If you prefer to clone the repositories directly, proceed with steps 3-5 below, or skip to step 6 to add them as git submodules.

  3. Clone the leaderboard-1.0 branch from the official Carla repository:

    git clone -b leaderboard-1.0 --single-branch
  4. Similarly, clone the leaderboard-1.0 branch of the Carla ScenarioRunner:

    git clone -b leaderboard-1.0 --single-branch
  5. Next, clone the rai-leaderboard repository (or your fork of it) and name it rai using the following command:

    git clone -b main rai # or use the URL of your fork
  6. If you are adding these repositories to an existing git repository and wish to include them as submodules, use the following commands:

    git submodule add -b leaderboard-1.0
    git submodule add -b leaderboard-1.0
    git submodule add -b main rai # or use the URL of your fork

    Note: In the command for the rai-leaderboard repository, we are naming the submodule rai. Ensure you use the full command as shown.

Setting Up the Environment

  • Update environment variables in rai/scripts/

  • Import the RAI base agent and update your team agent’s base class from autonomous_agent.AutonomousAgent to base_agent.BaseAgent as shown below:

    from rai.autoagents import base_agent
    class MyAgent(base_agent.BaseAgent):

Running Tests

Carla Server

Start the Carla server before running the agent.

Without Docker
cd <your carla installation path>
With Docker

For detailed instructions on running the Carla server inside Docker, refer to the Carla documentation.

A quick command to get started is shown below:

docker run --privileged --gpus all --net=host -e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} -it -e SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix carlasim/carla: /bin/bash
# launch carla inside the container


Without Docker

To run the evaluation locally without using Docker:

bash rai/scripts/
With Docker

To run with Docker:

  1. First, create a Docker image for your agent. Ensure the team_code directory is outside the leaderboard.

  2. Update rai/scripts/ to include agent-specific files you want to copy to the Docker container, such as requirements.txt, model weights, etc.

  3. Lastly, update the USER COMMANDS section in rai/scripts/Dockerfile.master to include agent-specific environment variables and install any necessary Python/Conda packages.

  4. Build the Docker image by running:

    bash rai/scripts/ -t <image:tag> # for example, -t interfuser:0.1
  5. Once the image is built, run the Docker image with:

    docker run --ipc=host --gpus all --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -it -e SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix <image:tag> /bin/bash
  6. Finally, run the evaluation script within the Docker container:

    bash rai/scripts/


To submit an agent to the RAI Carla Challenge:

  1. First, create a Conda environment and install EvalAI, which is EvalAI's command-line interface package:

    conda create -n evalai-cli python=3.7
    conda activate evalai-cli
    pip install evalai~=1.3.18
  2. If the Conda environment already exists, update the Conda environment path in rai/scripts/ and execute the script. This will activate your Conda environment and submit the agent:

    bash rai/scripts/ -t <image:tag>


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