Babel plugin to use ES6 Proxy in ES5. Inspired by the work of, fixed for babel7 (and a lot more).
npm install --save-dev git+
plugins: ['babel-plugin-es5-proxy'],
plugins: [['babel-plugin-es5-proxy', { useBuiltIns: '...', modules: false, targets: { ... } }]],
Type: boolean
Values: "amd" | "umd" | "systemjs" | "commonjs" | "cjs" | "auto" | false
Default: false
Type: object
Default: { ie: 9, uglify: true }
Type: string
Values: "usage" | "entry" | false
Default: false
The plugin has 100% behaviour coverage.
Everytime a property is accessed or set on an object, it is replaced by a function call to respectively globalGetter
or globalSetter
which either accesses or set the original property or calls the getter or setter in the Proxy.
The following code
let obj = {}; = 5;;
let obj = {};
globalSetter(obj, 'foo', 5);
globalGetter(obj, 'foo');
The plugin supports any expression in the getter and the setter,
let obj = {};
let bar = 'fo';
obj[bar + 'o'] = 5;;
let obj = {};
let bar = 'fo';
globalSetter(obj, bar + 'o', 5);
globalGetter(obj, 'foo');
When a proxy with a getter is defined, the call goes through the getter
let obj = new Proxy({}, { get(property) { return 4 } }) // 4
The interface is identical to es6 Proxies.