This will show you how to deploy RunZero Network Explorer in a non-persistent container, on a Synology NAS using Docker. Comments and Wireless scanning have been stripped from the Dockerfile because they break it for some reason in DSM. This Dockerfile also uses ubuntu:latest
instead of debian:stable-slim
like is listed in the official docs. You can learn more about RunZero here
Shout out to Pearce Barry @ RunZero Engineering for helping with this.
- Synology NAS using DSM 7
- Docker
- Knowledge on how to set firewall settings and ports on your Synology.
- DS220+
FROM ubuntu:latest
WORKDIR /opt/rumble
ENV AGENT_URL=[uniqueToken]/[versionID]]/runzero-explorer-linux-amd64.bin
ENV RUMBLE_AGENT_HOST_ID=hex string identifier
ADD ${AGENT_URL} runzero-explorer.bin
RUN chmod +x runzero-explorer.bin
USER root
ENTRYPOINT [ "/opt/rumble/runzero-explorer.bin", "manual"]``
The argument manual
tells runZero not to look for SystemD or upstart. For non-persistent containers an Explorer identifier needs to be persisted through an environment variable. You can set the RUMBLE_AGENT_HOST_ID
to a unique string to identify the explorer in your org.
To generate a suitable identifier, the openssl tool may be used:
openssl rand -hex 16
Once the correct ENV values are in the Dockerfile, save it. Create a runzero
folder in the docker folder on your NAS and upload the Dockerfile to it.
SSH in to your NAS
ssh user@ip
Navigate to the runzero folder that you created earlier.
cd /volume1/docker/runzero
Perform the following (you can change the name or tag to whatever you like)
sudo docker build -t “synology:runzero” .
sudo docker run —-name=“runzero” synology:runzero
Initially the container will have broken networking, look in the logs to find the IP/Subnet that docker is using for the container
Once you have this info, stop the container, select it and edit the container details. RunZero needs port 443 to run, and it appears 53. Input the values in to port section of the container settings for the container, and leave it to Auto for local. You may need to adjust your Synology Firewall
Optionally, you can add the entire subnet docker is using as well
Start the container again, and it should connect and register to the rumble console.
When viewing the logs of the container, you can ignore the “ERROR failed to read config file /opt/rumble/bin/.env: open /opt/rumble/bin/.env: no such file or directory” error for this install, the Explorer will just fallback to using the environment vars defined in the Dockerfile.