Extendable system enumeration and administration tool for linux
After cloning this repository run the following commands from the root level of the project:
go build -o seer
mv seer /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/seer
To generate an autocompletion script for your terminal use the seer completion
The following commands can be used to configure bash autocompletion:
apt update && apt install bash-completion -y
mkdir /etc/bash_completion.d/
seer completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/seer
echo "source /etc/bash_completion" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
For other shells see seer completion -h
Seer contains a number of subcommands for tasks ranging from querying system processes to expiring any user on the system that matches a regex pattern.
For a complete list of subcommands and options use seer -h
and seer [subcommand] -h
List and describe processes
root@system:/# seer proc list
[1] /usr/bin/bash (/bin/bash) root 42s
[54] /usr/local/bin/seer (seerproclist) root 0s
root@system:/# seer proc describe 1
┌[1] /usr/bin/bash
├ cmdline: /bin/bash
├ state: S age: 65s
├ parent: 0
├ user: root euid: 0
├ exe deleted: false
└ md5: 7063c3930affe123baecd3b340f1ad2c
List processes and related sockets:
root@system:/# seer proc ls --socket
┬─[1] /usr/bin/bash (/bin/bash) root 98s
├┬[11] /usr/bin/nc.traditional (nc-lp42) root 83s
│└─<0> tcp <- (LISTEN) i:467275
├┬[43] /usr/bin/nc.traditional (nc192.168.42.180) root 4s
│└─<1> tcp -> (ESTABLISHED) i:466804
└─[44] /usr/local/bin/seer (seerprocls--socket) root 0s
Show a process tree:
root@system:/# seer proc tree
┬[1] /usr/bin/bash /bin/bash
├┬[9] /usr/bin/screen SCREEN-Sx
│└┬[10] /usr/bin/dash /bin/sh
│ └┬[11] /usr/bin/bash bash
│ └─[13] /usr/bin/nc.traditional nc-lp42
└─[47] /usr/local/bin/seer seerproctree
Describe the user alice
root@system:/# seer user describe alice
┌ alice (1000)
├ Home: /home/alice
├ Shell: /bin/sh
├ Primary Group: alice
├ Secondary Groups: [sudo]
├ Password: !
└ Expired: false
Expire any users whose name ends in -contractor
root@system:/# seer users expire -r "\-contractor$"
The following 2 user(s) will be modified:
Continue? (yes/no): yes
Modified 2 user(s).