This is a simulation of the Morris Maze experiment written mostly in Unity C# with statistic calculations done in Python.
To use this software in your experiments you will need to download the following software packages:
- Unity
- Open Maze
- Sublime Text
- Go to:
- Follow Installation instructions for your specific computer
- Open the Unity application and create an account or login.
- Go to (you're already here!)
- In the grey dropdown on the left side of the page called 'branch' make sure that Release is selected.
- Now, click the green button on the right hand side called Clone or Download and make sure to select Download ZIP.
- Unzip the file you downloaded in an easy to access place. For example, your desktop.
Please note, if you already have a text editor on your computer that is compatible with .json and .py files you can choose to skip this step and use the text editor you are most comfortable with.
- Go to
- Follow the instruction and select the correct download for your computer.
- Open the Unity application.
- If you have not done so already, please log in or create a free account.
- Once signed in, click Open near the top right of the window.
- Navigate to and select the entire folder that you just unzipped and placed in an easy to access place. This folder should be titled OpenMaze-Release. Select the folder and click Open.
- If you receive any warnings from Unity upon opening the folder, simple click continue and Unity will begin loading the project.
- This takes time! Lots of assets need to be processed so please be patient.
- Once the process is complete, Unity will open and you will get a screen similar to the following.
Congratulations! You have set up the Open Maze project. To begin using the software in your experiment, please take a look at our video tutorials at