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Reviewing a Pull Request

Tim Fischbach edited this page Jan 8, 2015 · 2 revisions

Assume there is an open pull request:

some-user wants to merge 3 commits into codevise:master from some-user:feature-branch

To review a pull request, you need an up to date Pageflow application. See the README on how to install Pageflow into a new Rails application.

# go to your pageflow application
$ cd my_pageflow

Now edit the Gemfile to use the feature branch inplace of the pageflow gem:

# Gemfile
gem 'pagflow', git: '', branch: 'feature-branch'

Update your application:

$ bundle update pageflow

After restarting the server, your application now uses the pageflow version from the feature branch.

Now test the changes described in the pull request and provide feedback by commenting.