package laughedelic.literator.lib
import java.nio.file.Path
This type represents a node of file hierarchy tree
case class FileNode(f: File, t: List[FileNode]) {
import FileUtils._
def link(base: File): String =
if (f.isSource) s"[${}][${f.relativePath(base)}]"
def listTree(base: File): List[String] = {
s"+ ${link(base)}" ::
t.flatMap { i: FileNode =>
i.listTree(base).map { str => s" ${str}" }
override def toString: String = listTree(f).mkString("\n")
Let's extend File
type with some useful functions
object FileUtils {
// just an alias:
def file(path: String): File = new File(path)
implicit class FileOps(file: File) {
Returning path of file
relatively to base
def relativePath(base: File): Path = {
val b = if (base.isDirectory) base.getCanonicalFile
else base.getCanonicalFile.getParentFile
Name (last part after /
) and extension
def name: String = file.getCanonicalFile.getName
def ext: String = if (file.isDirectory) "" else"\\.").last
Traversing recursively and listing all files passing the filter
def getFileList(filter: (File => Boolean) = (_ => true)): List[File] =
if (file.isDirectory) file.listFiles.toList.flatMap(_.getFileList(filter))
else if (filter(file)) List(file) else List()
Traversing recursively and building file hierarchy tree
def getFileTree(filter: (File => Boolean) = (_ => true)): Option[FileNode] =
if (!filter(file)) None
else Some(FileNode(file,
if (file.isDirectory)
else List()
Read the contents of the file
def read: String =, "UTF-8").mkString
Just writing to the file
def write(text: String) = {
Some(new PrintWriter(file)).foreach{p => p.write(text); p.close}