This is an assignment app which we ask to developers to complete before interview. New CodeToArt developers also study our coding style and MVP design pattern using this assignment.
####Libraries used
- Support libraries
- RecyclerView
- CardView
- Butterknife
- RxJava & RxAndroid
- Dagger2
- Retrofit2
- Universal Image Loader
PMD - PMD code analysis tool finds common programming flaws like unused variables, empty catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth.
./gradlew pmd
findBugs - findBugs is static code analysis to look for bugs in Java code. Unlike PMD, it analyses java byte code.
./gradlew findBugs
checkStyle - checkStyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. Checkout CheckStyle config file
./gradlew checkStyle