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Rapid builds of small Conda-based containers using micromamba.


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Micromamba for fast building of small conda-based containers.

Images available on Dockerhub at mambaorg/micromamba and GHCR at Source code on GitHub at mamba-org/micromamba-docker.

"This is amazing. I switched CI for my projects to micromamba, and compared to using a miniconda docker image, this reduced build times more than 2x" -- A new micromamba-docker user

Table of Contents


The set of tags includes permutations of:

  • full or partial version numbers corresponding to the micromamba version within the image
  • git commit hashes (git-<HASH>, where <HASH> is the first 7 characters of the git commit hash in mamba-org/micromamba-docker)
  • base image name
    • for Alpine base images, this portion of the tag is set to alpine
    • for CUDA base images, this portion of the tag is set to <ubuntu_code_name>-cuda-<cuda_version>
    • for Debian base images, this portion of the tag is set to the code name (such as bullseye) plus -slim if derived from a slim image
    • for Ubuntu base images, this portion of the tag is set to the code name

The tag latest is based on the slim image of the most recent Debian release, currently bullseye-slim.

Tags that do not contain git are rolling tags, meaning these tags get reassigned to new images each time these images are built.

To reproducibly build images derived from these micromamba images, the best practice is for the Dockerfile FROM command to reference the image's sha256 digest and not use tags.

Supported shells

We have been focused on supporting use of the bash shell. Support for additional shells is on our road map.

Quick start

The micromamba image comes with an empty environment named base. Usually you will install software into this base environment. The mambaorg/micromamba image includes any programs from its parent image, the micromamba binary, and SSL certificates. micromamba does not have a python dependency, and therefore the mambaorg/micromamba image does not include python.

  1. Define your desired conda environment in a yaml file (env.yaml)

    # Using an environment name other than "base" is not recommended!
    # Read
    # if you must use a different environment name.
    name: base
      - conda-forge
      - pyopenssl=20.0.1
      - python=3.9.1
      - requests=2.25.1
  2. Copy the yaml file to your docker image and pass it to micromamba

    FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.4.4
    COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env.yaml /tmp/env.yaml
    RUN micromamba install -y -n base -f /tmp/env.yaml && \
        micromamba clean --all --yes
  3. Build your docker image

    The 'base' conda environment is automatically activated when the image is running.

    $ docker build --quiet --tag my_app .
    $ docker run -it --rm my_app python --version

Running commands in Dockerfile within the conda environment

While the conda environment is automatically activated for docker run ... commands, it is not automatically activated during build. To RUN a command from a conda environment within a Dockerfile, as explained in detail in the next two subsections, you must:

  1. Set ARG MAMBA_DOCKERFILE_ACTIVATE=1 to activate the conda environment
  2. Use the 'shell' form of the RUN command

Activating a conda environment for RUN commands

No conda environment is automatically activated during the execution of RUN commands within a Dockerfile. To have an environment active during a RUN command, you must set ARG MAMBA_DOCKERFILE_ACTIVATE=1. For example:

FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.4.4
COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env.yaml /tmp/env.yaml
RUN micromamba install --yes --file /tmp/env.yaml && \
    micromamba clean --all --yes
ARG MAMBA_DOCKERFILE_ACTIVATE=1  # (otherwise python will not be found)
RUN python -c 'import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4())' > /tmp/my_uuid

Use the shell form of RUN with micromamba

The Dockerfile RUN command can be invoked either in the 'shell' form:

RUN python -c "import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4())"

or the 'exec' form:

RUN ["python", "-c", "import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4())"]  # DO NOT USE THIS FORM!

You must use the 'shell' form of RUN or the command will not execute in the context of a conda environment.

Activating a conda environment for ENTRYPOINT commands

The Dockerfile for building the mambaorg/micromamba image contains:

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]

where activates the conda environment for any programs run via CMD in a Dockerfile or using docker run mambaorg/micromamba my_command on the command line. If you were to make an image derived from mambaorg/micromamba with:

ENTRYPOINT ["my_command"]

then you will have removed the conda activation from the ENTRYPOINT and my_command will be executed outside of any conda environment.

If you would like an ENTRYPOINT command to be executed within an active conda environment, then add "/usr/local/bin/" as the first element of the JSON array argument to ENTRYPOINT. For example, if you would like for your ENTRYPOINT command to run python from a conda environment, then you would do:

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/", "python"]

Advanced Usages

Pass list of packages to install within a Dockerfile RUN command

FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.4.4
RUN micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge \
      pyopenssl=20.0.1  \
      python=3.9.1 \
      requests=2.25.1 && \
    micromamba clean --all --yes

Using a lockfile

Pinning a package to a version string doesn't guarantee the exact same package file is retrieved each time. A lockfile utilizes package hashes to ensure package selection is reproducible. A lockfile can be generated using conda-lock or micromamba:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/tmp mambaorg/micromamba:1.4.4 \
   /bin/bash -c "micromamba create --yes --name new_env --file env.yaml && \
                 micromamba env export --name new_env --explicit > env.lock"

The lockfile can then be used to install into the pre-existing base conda environment:

FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.4.4
COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env.lock /tmp/env.lock
RUN micromamba install --name base --yes --file /tmp/env.lock && \
    micromamba clean --all --yes

Or the lockfile can be used to create and populate a new conda environment:

FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.4.4
COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env.lock /tmp/env.lock
RUN micromamba create --name my_env_name --yes --file /tmp/env.lock && \
    micromamba clean --all --yes

When a lockfile is used to create an environment, the micromamba create .. command does not query the package channels or execute the solver. Therefore using a lockfile has the added benefit of reducing the time to create a conda environment.

Multiple environments

For most use cases you will only want a single conda environment within your derived image, but you can create multiple conda environments:

FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.4.4
COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env1.yaml /tmp/env1.yaml
COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env2.yaml /tmp/env2.yaml
RUN micromamba create --yes --file /tmp/env1.yaml && \
    micromamba create --yes --file /tmp/env2.yaml && \
    micromamba clean --all --yes

You can then set the active environment by passing the ENV_NAME environment variable like:

docker run -e ENV_NAME=env2 my_multi_conda_image

Changing the user id or name

The default username is stored in the environment variable MAMBA_USER, and is currently mambauser. (Before 2022-01-13 it was micromamba, and before 2021-06-30 it was root.) Micromamba-docker can be run with any UID/GID by passing the docker run ... command the --user=UID:GID parameters. Running with --user=root is supported.

There are two supported methods for changing the default username to something other than mambauser:

  1. If rebuilding this image from scratch, the default username mambauser can be adjusted by passing --build-arg MAMBA_USER=new-username to the docker build command. User id and group id can be adjusted similarly by passing --build-arg MAMBA_USER_ID=new-id --build-arg MAMBA_USER_GID=new-gid

  2. When building an image FROM an existing micromamba image,

    FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.4.4
    ARG NEW_MAMBA_USER=new-username
    USER root
    RUN usermod "--login=${NEW_MAMBA_USER}" "--home=/home/${NEW_MAMBA_USER}" \
            --move-home "-u ${NEW_MAMBA_USER_ID}" "${MAMBA_USER}" && \
        groupmod "--new-name=${NEW_MAMBA_USER}" \
                 "-g ${NEW_MAMBA_USER_GID}" "${MAMBA_USER}" && \
        # Update the expected value of MAMBA_USER for the
        # consistency check.
        echo "${NEW_MAMBA_USER}" > "/etc/arg_mamba_user" && \

Disabling automatic activation

It is assumed that users will want their environment automatically activated whenever running this container. This behavior can be disabled by setting the environment variable MAMBA_SKIP_ACTIVATE=1.

For example, to open an interactive bash shell without activating the environment:

docker run --rm -it -e MAMBA_SKIP_ACTIVATE=1 mambaorg/micromamba bash

Details about automatic activation

At container runtime, activation occurs by default at two possible points:

  1. The end of the ~/.bashrc file, which is loaded by interactive non-login Bash shells.
  2. The ENTRYPOINT script, which is automatically prepended to docker run commands.

The activation in ~/.bashrc ensures that the environment is activated in interactive terminal sessions, even when switching between users.

The ENTRYPOINT script ensures that the environment is also activated for one-off commands when Docker is used non-interactively.

Setting MAMBA_SKIP_ACTIVATE=1 disables both of these automatic activation methods.

Adding micromamba to an existing Docker image

Adding micromamba functionality to an existing Docker image can be accomplished like this:

# bring in the micromamba image so we can copy files from it
FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.4.4 as micromamba

# This is the image we are going add micromaba to:
FROM tomcat:9-jdk17-temurin-focal

USER root

# if your image defaults to a non-root user, then you may want to make the
# next 3 ARG commands match the values in your image. You can get the values
# by running: docker run --rm -it my/image id -a
ENV MAMBA_EXE="/bin/micromamba"

COPY --from=micromamba "$MAMBA_EXE" "$MAMBA_EXE"
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/

RUN /usr/local/bin/ && \


SHELL ["/usr/local/bin/"]

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
# Optional: if you want to customize the ENTRYPOINT and have a conda
# environment activated, then do this:
# ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/", "my_entrypoint_program"]

# You can modify the CMD statement as needed....
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

# Optional: you can now populate a conda environment:
RUN micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge \
      jq && \
    micromamba clean --all --yes

On docker exec

Your experience using docker exec may not match your expectations for automatic environment activation (#128, #233). docker exec executes the given command directly, without an entrypoint or login/interactive shell. There is no known way to automatically (and correctly) trigger conda environment activation for a command run through docker exec.

The recommended method to explicitly activate your environment when using docker exec is:

docker exec <container> micromamba run -n <environment_name> <command>

If you want to use the base environment, you can omit -n <environment_name>.

An alternative method to trigger activation is to explicitly run your command within an interactive bash shell with -i:

docker exec <container> bash -i -c "<command>"

Finally, you can modify the PATH at build-time to approximate an activated environment during docker exec:

ENV PATH "$MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX/bin:$PATH"  # WARNING - not a prefered method

However, this will not work in all cases, such as multiple conda environments within a single image.

Use of the SHELL command within a Dockerfile

The mambaorg/micromaba Dockerfile makes use of the SHELL command:

SHELL ["/usr/local/bin/"]

If a derived image overrides this SHELL configuration, then some of the automatic conda environment activation functionality will break.

Minimizing final image size

Uwe Korn has a nice blog post on making small containers containing conda environments that is a good resource. He uses mamba instead of micromamba, but the general concepts still apply when using micromamba.


Our Frequently Asked Questions is a good place to start.

Please open an issue if the micromamba docker image does not behave as you expect. For issues about the micromamba program, please use the mamba issue tracker.


This project is a community effort and contributions are welcome. Best practice is to discuss proposed contributions on the issue tracker before you start writing code.


Code contributions should start on a feature branch derived from the dev branch. Pull requests will then be merged into the dev branch. When a new major or minor version of micromamba is released, then the dev branch will be updated to build the new version and dev will be be merged into the main branch. This ensures that the image behavior remains constant for each minor version of micromamba.

The following types of changes are allowed to bypass the dev branch and have their pull requests go straight to the main branch:

  • bumping versions of existing base images
  • removing a base image that is no longer supported
  • documentation enhancements
  • testing changes
  • security updates

While documentation enhancements can bypass the dev branch, documentation for new features should be committed to dev along with the code for the feature.


The Bats testing framework is used to test the micromamba docker images and derived images. When cloning this repo you'll want to use git clone --recurse-submodules ..., which will bring in the git sub-modules for Bats. Nox is used to automate tests and must be installed separately. To execute the test suite on all base images, run nox in the top-level directory of the repo. To execute the test suite on a single base image, run nox --session "tests(base_image='debian:bullseye-slim')". If GNU parallel is available on the $PATH, then the test suite will be run in parallel using all logical CPU cores available.

Pre-commit should be enabled after cloning the repo by executing pre-commit install in the root of the repo.

Road map

The current road map for expanding the number of base images and supported shells is as follows:

  1. Add non-Debian based distributions that have community interest
  2. Add support for non-bash shells based on community interest

The build and test infrastructure will need to be altered to support additional base images such that automated test and build occur for all images produced.


  1. Entrypoint script should not write to files in the home directory. On some container execution systems, the host home directory is automatically mounted and we don't want to mess up or pollute the home directory on the host system.


Rapid builds of small Conda-based containers using micromamba.







No packages published


  • Shell 53.0%
  • Python 36.4%
  • Dockerfile 10.5%
  • Ruby 0.1%