platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'DecouplingKit', '~> 0.0.2'
DecouplingKit, decoupling between modules in your iOS Project.
DDKServiceManager, used to load the service list DKService.plist, the service is a business's protocol. DKService.plist includes service and impl, service is protocol, impl is the implementation of the protocol class.
DecouplingKit is based on [BeeHive] (, Another way to decouple is the runtime, such as [CTMediator] (, this is a very good program.
Register the default DKService.plist service list
[[DKServiceManager sharedInstance] registerLocalServices];
Register a list of custom paths for services
[[DKServiceManager sharedInstance] registerLocalServicesWithServiceConfigName:@"DecouplingKit.bundle/DKService"];
id<Bussiness2ServiceProtocol> bussiness2 =[[DKServiceManager sharedInstance] createInstance:@protocol(Bussiness2ServiceProtocol)];
NSDictionary *data =[bussiness2 fetchBussiness2DataWithName:@"DecouplingKit" age:@"1"];
Create a class and then call the corresponding class method
Class Bussiness2 = [[DKServiceManager sharedInstance] createClass:@protocol(Bussiness2ServiceProtocol)];
[Bussiness2 callClassMethod];
Create a service protocol for your business class
@protocol Bussiness2ServiceProtocol <DKServiceProtocol>
@property (nonatomic,copy) NSString *name;
- (NSDictionary *)fetchBussiness2DataWithName:(NSString *)name age:(NSString *)age;
+ (void)callClassMethod;
All source code is licensed under the MIT License.