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Atrc (atrc) - Atomic React Components

Atrc or atrc, short for Atomic React Components, is a versatile collection of React components designed to empower your React projects, with a special emphasis on seamless integration with WordPress. These components follow the atomic design principles, providing a structured and scalable approach to building user interfaces.

Projects using ATRC

Check out these WordPress plugins that are currently using ATRC. Explore their codebases to see how ATRC is integrated and get started using ReactJS in your WordPress projects:

  • Brand Master - Customize Login and User Frontend Dashboardr

    GitHub Repository: Brand Master GitHub Repository

    Brand Master is a WordPress plugin that allows you to customize the login page and user frontend dashboard. It utilizes ATRC for building its setting interface components. Explore the plugin's codebase to see how ATRC is implemented in a real-world WordPress project.

  • Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode Page

    GitHub Repository: Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode Page GitHub Repository

    Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode Page is another WordPress plugin that helps you set up a coming soon or maintenance mode page for your website. This plugin also utilizes ATRC for its user interface components. Dive into the plugin's code to see how ATRC can be used effectively in WordPress plugin development.

Feel free to explore these projects to gain insights into using ATRC in WordPress plugin development.


Before incorporating Atrc into your React project, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  1. React Project Setup: Atrc is designed for React applications, so make sure you have a React project set up and configured.

  2. Node.js and npm: Atrc is distributed as an npm package. Ensure that you have Node.js and npm installed on your development environment. You can download and install them from

  3. Use atomic CSS: This project utilizes Atomic CSS. Ensure that you integrate it into your React project. If you are using it with WordPress, consider using the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, enqueue_block_editor_assets or any appropriate hooks and in the callback function use wp_register_style and wp_enqueue_style hooks to load the CSS.

    Example for normal use:

    	type="text/css" />

    Example for WordPress integration:

    /* Register Atomic CSS*/
    wp_register_style( 'atomic', 'path/to/atomic.min.css' );
    // Enqueue Atomic CSS stylesheet
    wp_enqueue_style( 'atomic' );
  4. @wordpress/scripts (Recommended for WordPress Integration): If you are planning to use Atrc within a WordPress project, it is recommended to set up and use @wordpress/scripts for streamlined integration. @wordpress/scripts facilitates the integration of React components into WordPress plugins and themes and provides a smooth development experience. You can find more information about @wordpress/scripts in the official documentation.

  5. Knowledge of Atomic Design Principles: Familiarize yourself with atomic design principles, as Atrc follows this design methodology. Understanding atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages will help you leverage Atrc's full potential in your project.

Once you have these prerequisites in place, you are ready to seamlessly integrate Atrc into your React project and enjoy the benefits of its atomic components.

Table of contents

Getting Started

Follow these instructions to set up Atrc in your local development environment:


BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites

To install and set up the library, run:

$ npm install atrc

Or if you prefer using Yarn:

$ yarn add atrc


Now that you have Atrc installed, you can use the components in your React project. Here's a basic example:

Import the Atrc components into your React component:

import { AtrcButton, AtrcCheckbox } from 'atrc';

Use the components within your React component:

const MyComponent = () => {
	return (
			<AtrcButton onClick={() => console.log('Button Clicked!')}>
				Click me

Use CSS:

To utilize the CSS styles provided by Atrc, you can link directly to the index.css file located in the node_modules/atrc/build/ directory.


	href="node_modules/atrc/build/index.css" />

Make sure to adjust the path based on your project structure. This CSS file contains the styles for Atrc components and can enhance the visual presentation of your React components. The CSS in Atrc leverages modern CSS concepts, including CSS variables. This makes it easy to override styles if needed. Feel free to customize the provided styles by defining your own CSS variables or by directly targeting and modifying specific elements in your project.

All available components

Here are All available components.

Atrc Components with APIs and Data

The project Atrc also include APIs and Data functionalities that utilize Redux and are designed to interact with WordPress APIs. These features enhance the capabilities of Atrc by providing seamless integration with WordPress and enabling dynamic data handling in your React application.

Importing Components and Data

Most components in Atrc can be imported using a simpler syntax, like so:

import { AtrcAudio, AtrcButton, AtrcCheckbox, AtrcGetPost } from 'atrc';

all listed on All available components. This syntax allows you to import multiple components in a single line, providing a more concise and convenient way to use Atrc components in your project.

However, some components and data functionalities need to be imported separately due to limitations with tree shaking. Include the following imports in your project:

// Importing specific components
import AtrcEditor from 'atrc/build/atoms/editor';
import AtrcControlCodeTextarea from 'atrc/build/molecules/control-code-textarea';
import AtrcControlImgSizeSelect from 'atrc/build/molecules/control-img/contro-img-size-select';

// Importing data functionalities
import { AtrcApis } from 'atrc/build/data';

atrc/build/data also contains other functionalities.

These separate imports are necessary for components that don't fully support tree shaking. Use them as needed based on your application requirements.


Thank you for your interest in contributing to Project ATRC. To submit your changes, please follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Fork the Repository: Click on the "Fork" button on the top right corner of the repository page to create your fork.

  2. Clone your Fork: Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  3. Create a Feature Branch: Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:

    git checkout -b my-new-feature
  4. Make Changes: Add your changes to the project. You can use the following command to stage all changes:

    git add .
  5. Commit Changes: Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message:

    git commit -a m 'Add some feature'
  6. Push to your Branch: Push your changes to the branch you created on your fork:

    git push origin my-new-feature
  7. Submit a Pull Request: Go to the Pull Requests tab of the original repository and click on "New Pull Request." Provide a clear title and description for your changes, and submit the pull request.

Thank you for contributing to Atrc!


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

License & Attribution

I would like to thank the React.js team, Gutenberg Team, WordPress Core Contributors and My team for motivating me to create this awesome React library.


Atomic React Components






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