Nothing special here yet.
Just checked in for reporting Godotengine issues.
The project itself could turn into a easy and fancy dataflow solution for Godot. But currently rather the end of a rabbit hole:
- I played around OpenStreetMap in Godot here:
- When during this I started to get lost in a multi-level nested inpectors, I started this:
- From this I extracted a part of it as a lightweight script code generator:
- With this I am a point, where I'm develépoing the possibility to set the code generation automated within any project.
This can have multiple use case, which diffrs from each other.
When I was thinking, what use case exist, I realized it would be good to have a more general light weight build system, in which code generation would only ba a job. - Then I realized a buld system can be described with a general dataflow system, if you have the right dataflow functions for generation for example.
Never mind. Now I'm here, and the above projects are pedngin a bit.