(route) /fs -> ^/fs
(mellow) c: -> c:\
(server) when no express, middleware no respond but init on every request
(rest) read regExp: .? -> ?
(key) switchKey: command -> ctrlMeta
(edit) setModeForPath: setJsHint after mode was set
(cloudcmd) url: /cloudcmd -> /
(dom) changePanel: after copy/move on tab, panel changed to ".."
(dom) set current file after copy/move
(key) firefox: keyIdentifier -> key
(util) rm isContainStrAtBegin
(cloudfunc) rm rmFirstSlash
(sha) add
(package) express v4.10
(analygics) ga -> analytics
(rest) fs: add PATCH
(config) http method: put -> patch
(beautify) "Supported file types" -> "File type not supported"
(edit) add minify
(beautify) add config, that could be read from ~/.beautify.json
(beautify) error message
(edit) beautify: add clearSelection, moveCursor to begin
(beautify) add
(edit) add beautify
(key) do not set current ".." when dot pressed
(key) setCurrentByLetter: add "_"
(key) rm disable/enable key bindings keys
(key) rm chaining
(key) add chaining
(config) rm server
(cloudcmd) start: isServer, config -> start: config
(cloudcmd) isNaN(port): throw -> console.error
(server) if !ip in config, log localhost
(package) morgan v1.4.0
(terminal) pty: rm log
(nicki) add from npm
(tryRequire) options: add callback
(menu) rm keys, becouse of firefox strange behavior
(menu) show hot keys in menu
(menu) v0.7.0
(config) mv serve from rest
(dom) getCurrentFileByName -> getCurrentByName
(package) ncp v1.0.0
(config) default path: ~/.cloudcmd.json
(key) ctrl || meta -> ctrlMeta
(key) selectByLetter: add "."
(key) setCurrentByLetter: add not English chars
(key) add Insert for Mac
(key) add suport of mac Command key
(patch) add
(edit) beforeClose: if -> ifExist
(util) ifExist: args -> [args]
(dom) uploadFiles: set current uploaded file
(client) createFileTable: add getCurrentFileByName
(config) disable username and password if auth unchecked
(config) .config .form-control: rm background-color
(config) .config .form-control: add width 200px
(client) refresh: current, panel[, callbac]k -> panel[, callback]
(rest) write: url, data, callback / url, callback
(dom) promptNew: set current new file/folder
(edit) add setValue, setMode, setModeForPath
(edit) show: rm value
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