Used to clean up the node_modules generated by the node package management tool in the project.
$ npm i @coderzsq/npm-clear -g
Start cleaning from the current directory
$ npmc
Start cleaning from the specified directory
$ npmc -d <dest>
Use canvas implemention bitmap animation Power by Junrui-L
Practice a web version of resume, please feel free to connect me!
- This part of project is base on the server, So you need to clone resume for server
- Then, you need a node server environment
- Last, run the following command to launch server
$ cd vue-resume
$ npm run dev
$ cd react-resume
$ npm start
- vue-resume: Static web pages implemented using vue and deployed to github-pages.
- react-resume: Responsive web pages implemented using react and interact with the server.
Now you can open the website directly to experience and contact me!