What to do after getting a server vps first time:
- Check OS, Kernel, Hardware Architecture, Uptime
cat /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uclient.conf
uname -a
- Who else logged In?
who -Hu
grep sh$ /etc/passwd
- Physical or Virtual Machine?
dmidecode -s system-manufacturer
dmidecode -s system-product-name
lshw -c system | grep product | head -1
cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name
cat /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor
- Hardware Information
- Check detailed information about CPU(s)
cat /proc/cpuinfo
- Check systems memory usage
cat /proc/meminfo
- Display all network interfaces
ifconfig -a
# OR
ip addr
- Display settings and status of a network interface
ethtool eth0
- List detailed hardware configuration
- Display info about PCI buses and devices
- All hardware info form system's DMI (desktop management interface)
- Check all Installed softwares
dpkg -l # Lists all installed packages
dpkg -l | grep <pkgname> # Checks if a specific package is installed
apt-cache policy <pkgname> # Displays information about a package (version, installation candidate, etc.)
apt list --installed # Lists all installed packages using apt
apt list --installed | grep <pkgname> # Checks if a specific package is installed using apt
apt-cache show <pkgname> # Shows detailed information about a package
apt-cache madison <pkgname> # Displays versions available in repositories
sudo apt update # Updates the list of available packages and their versions
apt-cache policy # Shows configured repositories and priorities
sudo apt install <pkgname> # Installs a package
ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ # Lists all additional repository configurations
- Running Processes & Service
pstree -pa 1
ps -ef
ps auxf
- Check Network Connections
netstat -tulpn # Display a list of open network connection - ports, process
netstat -anp # Detailed info about all network connection
lsof -i # List open network file
ss # Display socket statistics and network connections
ss -t # Display all TCP sockets
ss -u # Display all UDP Sockets
ss -l # All listening sockets
ss -a # All Sockets
ss -s # Summary statistics
ss -p # Process using the socket
ss -n # Show numerical addresses instead of hostman
iptables -L -n # List all firewall rules with IP address & port number
cat /etc/resolv.conf # List info about DNS config of system
- Kernel Information
cat /boot/grub/grub.conf # Displays the grub config file
sysctl -a # Display all kernel parameter
lsmod # Display status of modules currently loaded
modinf <module> # Display detailed information about a module
uname -r # Display current kernel version
cat /proc/cmdline # Display all parameters passed to kernle at boot time
- Logs
journalctl # Display logs collected by systemd-journald
tail -f /var/log/syslog # Monitor and display latest log entries
demsg # Shows kernel's ring buffer messages