Hi there! I'm Robiul Hossain, a Software Engineer specializing in web technologies. I have expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, and MongoDB. I am currently expanding my knowledge in DevOps engineering, SRE, AI and CyberSecurity.
I love building high-performance, user-friendly web applications and have hands-on experience with tools and technologies like Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Docker, CI/CD pipelines, Nginx etc. I'm a strong advocate for clean code, thorough testing, and DevOps culture.
- Mastering the MERN stack while following a 3-tier architecture approach.
- Automating tasks using shell scripts and deploying secure, scalable applications.
- Learning Monorepo for scalable codebase and faster CI.
- Diving into Neovim as my next productivity tool.
- Learning sql, PostgreSQL and databases in depth.
- Learning ML Fundamentals and MLOps for building AI Powered Application for Production.
- Exploring system design, cybersecurity, and monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana etc.
In the next 4-5 years, I aim to become a Principle Software Engineer with expertise in system design, testing, DevOps, SRE and cybersecurity. I'm also keen to improve my communication skills and contribute to impactful projects.