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mondo is a i18n library for node and the browser. It features date- and number formatting, translations with string interpolation and pluralization.
see github issues for open task prior version 1.0.0
mondo uses several other libraries under the hood:
globalize - This library does the heavy lifting. globalize provides all the locale information for formatting and parsing.
handlebars - mondo uses handlebar templates for string interpolation
CLDR.js - provides the pluralization rules. For futher information please refer to the CLDR page on
underscorejs - No need to introduce this famous citizen of jsworld
Mondo.format(value, format)
alias: Mondo.f(value, format)
Formats the given value according to the format. Please see ( for details and formatting patterns.
alias: Mondo.d(date)
Shortcut for format(date, 'd') uses the short date pattern. e.g. "dd.MM.yyyy" for de-CH locale
alias: `Mondo.t(date)
Shortcut for format(date, 't') uses the short time pattern. e.g. "" for de-CH locale
Add translation messages to the given locale (culture in globalize speak) definition.
Mondo.addTranslations('en-US', { title: "Super awesome webapp" })
To access the title message use:
It's possible to define nested message for a cleaner message file if lots of messages are used.
Mondo.addTranslations('en-US', { loginForm: { labels: { username: "Username", password: "Password"}} })
To access nested messages concatenate the single message keys by '.'
Mondo.addTranslations('en-US', { messageCount: { one: "message" other: "messages" })
Be aware languages have different rules for pluralization. English as in the above example knows only two different forms. Please refer to [] or CLDR.js for further information. Allowed pluralization labels are: zero, one, two, few, many, other.
In addition to the key for the message you need to pass in the pluralization option. Don't include the pluralization label into the message key.
Mondo.localize('messageCount', { pluralize: 1 })
or localize('messageCount', { pluralize: 2 });
Allowed values for the pluralize option are:
- Numbers
- Every object containing a length attribute or function, like Arrays.
- Every object containing a size attribute or function.
- Simple objects. The number of attributes is used.
Shortcut if no other options need to be passed:
Mondo.localize('messageCount', 1)
Handlebars templates can be used to define interpolatable messages.
Mondo.addTranslations('de-DE', { loggedInUser: "Sie sind eingeloggt als {{loginName}}"});
Using interpolation:
Mondo.localize("loggedInUser", { loginName: "lchngr" })
All options passed to the localize function passed to the handlebars template except the pluralize option.
{{d date}}
Formats the given date as a localized date{{t time}}
Formats the given date as a localized time{{p number}}
Formats the given number as percentage. e.g. n=1.23 --> '123%'{{c amount}}
Formats the given amount as localized currency a=123 --> 'Fr. 123'{{f value format}}
Formats the given value into the given format string. For details see: globalize