ImmuDB4Net - The Official immudb Client for .NET 
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Prerequisites
- 3. Installation
- 4. Build locally from sources
- 5. Supported Versions
- 6. Quickstart
- 7. Step-by-step Guide
- 8. Building from source
- 9. Contributing
ImmuDB4Net implements a gRPC immudb client, based on [immudb's official protobuf definition]. It exposes a minimal and simple to use API for applications, while the cryptographic verifications and state update protocol implementation are fully implemented internally by this client.
The latest validated immudb state may be kept in the local file system using default FileImmuStateHolder
Please read immudb Research Paper for details of how immutability is ensured by immudb.
immudb's official protobuf definition
ImmuDB4Net assumes you have access to a running immudb server.
Running immudb
on your system is very simple, please refer to this immudb QuickStart page.
Include ImmuDB4Net as a dependency in your project via Nuget package. ImmuDB4Net
is currently hosted on NuGet.Org
Use dotnet build
to build locally the ImmuDB client assembly.
ImmuDB4Net supports the latest immudb server release, that is 1.4.0 at the time of updating this document.
Hello Immutable World! example can be found in immudb-client-examples
The following code snippets show how to create a client.
Using default configuration:
ImmuClient immuClient = ImmuClient.NewBuilder().Build();
// or
Immuclient immuClient = new ImmuClient();
Immuclient immuClient = new ImmuClient("localhost", 3322);
Immuclient immuClient = new ImmuClient("localhost", 3322, "defaultdb");
Setting immudb
url and port:
ImmuClient immuClient = ImmuClient.NewBuilder()
ImmuClient immuClient = ImmuClient.NewBuilder()
Customizing the State Holder
FileImmuStateHolder stateHolder = FileImmuStateHolder.NewBuilder()
ImmuClient immuClient = ImmuClient.NewBuilder()
Use Open
and Close
methods to initiate and terminate user sessions:
await immuClient.Open("usr1", "pwd1", "defaultdb");
// Interact with immudb using logged-in user.
await immuClient.Close();
// or one liner open the session right
client = await ImmuClient.NewBuilder().Open();
//then close it
await immuClient.Close();
Creating a new database is quite simple:
await immuClient.CreateDatabase("db1");
Specify the active database with:
await immuClient.UseDatabase("db1");
immudb provides standard read and write operations that behave as in a standard key-value store i.e. no cryptographic verification is involved. Such operations may be used when validations can be postponed.
await client.Set("k123", "v123");
string v = await client.Get("k123").ToString();
await client.Set("k123", new byte[]{1, 2, 3});
byte[] v = await client.Get("k123").Value;
immudb provides built-in cryptographic verification for any entry. The client implements the mathematical validations while the application uses as a standard read or write operation:
await Client.VerifiedSet("k123", new byte[]{1, 2, 3});
byte[] v = await client.VerifiedGet("k123").Value;
await client.VerifiedSet("k123", "v123");
string v = await client.VerifiedGet("k123").ToString();
} catch(VerificationException e) {
// Check if it is a data tampering detected case!
Transactional multi-key read and write operations are supported by immudb and ImmuDB4Net.
Atomic multi-key write (all entries are persisted or none):
List<KVPair> kvs = new List<KVPair>()
new KVPair("sga-key1", new byte[] {1, 2}),
new KVPair("sga-key2", new byte[] {3, 4})
await immuClient.SetAll(kvs);
} catch (CorruptedDataException e)
// ...
Atomic multi-key read (all entries are retrieved or none):
List<string> keys = new List<string>() {key1, key2, key3};
List<Entry> result = await immuClient.GetAll(keys);
foreach(Entry entry in result) {
byte[] key = entry.Key;
byte[] value = entry.Value;
// ...
ImmuDB4Net provides SQLExec
and SQLQuery
commands and an example of usage is below:
var client = new ImmuClient();
await client.Open("immudb", "immudb", "defaultdb");
await client.SQLExec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ON logs(created)");
var rspInsert = await client.SQLExec("INSERT INTO logs(created, entry) VALUES($1, $2)",
SQLParameter.Create("hello immutable world"));
var queryResult = await client.SQLQuery("SELECT created, entry FROM LOGS order by created DESC");
var sqlVal = queryResult.Rows[0]["entry"];
Console.WriteLine($"The log entry is: {sqlVal.Value}");
Use Close
, for closing the connection with immudb server . When terminating the process, use the ImmuClient.ReleaseSdkResources
function :
await client.Close();
await ImmuClient.ReleaseSdkResources();
Note: After the shutdown, a new client needs to be created to establish a new connection.
To build from source you need as prerequisites to clone a local copy of the git repo:
and then to have installed on the build machine the dotnet 6.0 SDK. Then, from the terminal just run dotnet build
In order to successfully execute the integration tests with the commanddotnet test
you have to install as prerequisites docker
and also to start locally an ImmuDB instance on port 3322. For example, you can run ImmuDB in docker as below:
docker run -d --name immudb -p 3322:3322 codenotary/immudb:latest
We welcome contributions. Feel free to join the team!
To report bugs or get help, use GitHub's issues.