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Yii 2 Dockerized

A template for docker based Yii 2 applications.

  • Ephemeral container, configured via environment variables
  • Application specific base image (Nginx + PHP-FPM)
  • Optional local configuration overrides for development/debugging (git-ignored)
  • Base scaffold code for login, signup and forgot-password actions
  • Flat configuration file structure
  • Optional cron integration for periodic jobs

Note: The included example base image is now based on Alpine Linux and uses s6-overlay to supervise Nginx + PHP-FPM. You can of course change this to any setup you prefer. You find the "old" setup based on Apache and mod_php in the "apache" branch. Note though, that it's no longer maintained.

1 Main Concepts

1.1 Base Image

The core idea of this template is that you build a bespoke base image for your application that meets your project's exact requirements. This image contains:

  • PHP runtime environment (e.g. Nginx + PHP-FPM)
  • PHP extensions
  • Composer packages

The base image will hardly ever change unless

  • you want to upgrade to a newer PHP or Yii version or
  • you want to add a missing PHP extension or composer package.

Its configuration can be found in the ./build directory:

  • Dockerfile adds PHP extensions and required system packages
  • composer.json and composer.lock list composer packages

The actual app image extends from this base image and uses ./Dockerfile in the main directory. It basically only adds your app sources and productive PHP config on top.

In the recommended scenario you would build the base image once then upload it to your container registry and share it with your co-developers.

If you don't have a container registry you can still use our template. But then each developer in your team will have to build the same base image locally.

1.2 Runtime Configuration via Environment Variables

We follow docker's principle that containers are configured via environment variables. This only includes runtime configuration, of course: Things like whether to run in debug mode or DB credentials. Most other settings like for example URL rules will be hardcoded in ./config/web.php.

You should continue to follow this principle when developing your app. For more details also see our yii2-configloader that we use in this template.

Note: There's also one important main setting for php-fpm that affects how many children should be started. This depends on the RAM you have available. See PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN in docker-compose-example.yml.

2 Initial Project Setup

2.1 Download Application Template

First fetch a copy of our application template, for example with git:

git clone myproject
rm -rf myproject/.git

You could also download the files as ZIP archive from GitHub.

2.2 Init Composer Packages

To manage composer packages We use a container that is based on the official composer image. First go to the ./build directory of the app:

cd myproject/build

To add a package run:

docker-compose run --rm composer require some/library

To update all packages run:

docker-compose run --rm composer update

This will update composer.json and composer.lock respectively. You can also run other composer commands, of course.

You now have to rebuild your base image! (see below).

Note: As docker's composer image may not meet the PHP requirements of all your packages you may have to add --ignore-platform-reqs to be able to install some packages.

2.3 Build the Base Image

Before you continue with building the base image you should:

  • Set a tag name for the base image in ./build/docker-compose.yml
  • Use the same tag name in ./Dockerfile in the main directory
  • Optionally add more PHP extensions or system packages in ./build/Dockerfile
  • Choose a timezone in ./build/Dockerfile. This is only really relevant if you want to enable crond, to let the jobs run at correct local times.

To start you first need to create an initial composer.lock. So go to the ./build directory and run:

docker-compose run --rm composer install

Then you can build the base image:

docker-compose build

Now you could upload that image to your container registry.

2.4 Cleanup and Initial Commit

At this point you may want to modify our application template, add some default configuration and remove those parts that you don't need. Afterwards you are ready for the initial commit to your project repository.

3 Local Development

During development we map the local app directory into the app image. This way we always run the code that we currently work on.

As your local docker setup may differ from production (e.g. use different docker network settings) we usually keep docker-compose.yml out of version control. Instead we provide a docker-compose-example.yml with a reasonable example setup.

Since the runtime configuration should happen with environment variables, we use a .env file. We also keep this out of version control and only include a .env-example to get developers started.

3.1 Initial Setup of a Development Environment

After you've cloned your project you need to prepare two files:

cd myproject
cp docker-compose-example.yml docker-compose.yml
cp .env-example .env

You should modify these two files e.g. to enable debug mode or configure a database. Then you should be ready to start your container and initialize your database (if your project has one):

docker-compose up -d
# Wait some seconds to let the DB container fire up ...
docker-compose exec web ./yii migrate

Finally you need to set write permissions for some directories. It's sufficient if the www-data group in the container has write permissions. This way your local user can still own these directories:

docker-compose exec web chgrp www-data web/assets runtime var/sessions
docker-compose exec web chmod g+rwx web/assets runtime var/sessions

When done, you can access the new app from http://localhost:8080.

3.2 Development Session

A development session will usually go like this:

docker-compose up -d
# edit files, check, tests, ...
git add .
git commit -m 'Implemented stuff'
docker-compose stop

Note: Another approach is to leave a terminal window open and start the container with

docker-compose up

This way you can always follow the live logs of your container. To stop all containers, press Ctrl-c.

3.2.1 Running yiic Commands

If you need to run yiic commands you execute them in the running development container:

docker-compose exec web ./yiic migrate/create add_column_name

Note: If a command creates new files on your host (e.g. a new migration) you may have to change file permissions to make them writeable on your host system:

chown -R mike migrations/*

3.2.2 Adding or Updating Composer Packages

The procedure for adding or updating composer packages is the same as described in 2.2 above. Remember that you have to rebuild the base image afterwards. It should probably also receive an updated version tag.

3.2.3 Working with Complex Local Configuration

Sometimes you may have to add complex parts to config/web.php but want to avoid the risk of accidentally committing them. You therefore can activate support for a config/local.php file in your .env. This config file will be merged into config/web.php.

# Whether to load config/(local|console-local).php. Default is 0.

3.2.3 Make Composer Packages Available Locally

For some IDEs it's useful to have the composer packages available on your local host system. To do so you can simply copy them from inside the container:

docker-compose exec web cp -rf /var/www/vendor ./

Note: Inside the container composer packages live in /var/www/vendor instead of the app's ./vendor directory. This way we don't override the vendor directory when we map the local app directory into the container.

3.2.3 Configuring Cron Jobs

To run periodic jobs the integrated crond (busybox implementation) can be activated by setting ENABLE_CROND=1 in the docker-compose.yml file.

Cron jobs are added in config/crontabs/<username>. There's an example file for www-data included. When changing a file there the container must be restarted to activate the crontab.