This project runs Elasticsearch cluster on one JVM instance for your development/testing easily. You can use Elasticsearch Cluster Runner as Embedded Elasticsearch in your application.
Put elasticsearch-cluster-runner if using Maven:
and add Maven repository to pom.xml:
<name>CodeLibs Repository</name>
import static org.codelibs.elasticsearch.runner.ElasticsearchClusterRunner.newConfigs;
// create runner instance
ElasticsearchClusterRunner runner = new ElasticsearchClusterRunner();
// create ES nodes
runner.onBuild(new ElasticsearchClusterRunner.Builder() {
public void build(final int number, final Builder settingsBuilder) {
// put elasticsearch settings
// settingsBuilder.put("index.number_of_replicas", 0);
build(Configs) method configures/starts Clsuter Runner.
// close runner
// delete all files(config and index)
Put elasticsearch-cluster-runner as test scope:
and see ElasticsearchClusterRunnerTest.
Download and install Maven 3 from
git clone
mvn compile
mvn exec:java
The default cluster has 3 nodes and the root directory for Elasticsearch is es_home. Nodes use 9201-9203 port for HTTP and 9301-9303 port for Transport. If you want to change the number of node, Run:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="-basePath es_home -numOfNode 4"
Type Ctrl-c or kill the process.