With the advent of the digital age, everything has changed. Although it has brought about huge comforts for the people, but it has also created some very concernig issues. One of the major issues among them is Information and its security in today's world.
Now with that being kept in mind, I have created this repository which aims to provide people with the basic techniques to secure one's data. This includes both symmetric and asymmetric encyption methods, psuedorandom number genrating methods and tests to prove their correctness.
This Github repository contains the codes for the following :
Symmetric Encyption :
- Atbash Cipher
- Caesar Cipher
- Vigenere Cipher
- Playfair Cipher
- DES (Data Encyption Standard) (with number of rounds 16 and 20)
Asymmetric Encryption :
- Euler's Totient Function
PRNGs(Pseudorandom Number Generators) :
- LCG (Linear Congruential Generators)
- BBS (Blum Blum Schub)
Test to check PRNGs :
- Frequency Test
- Chi-square Test
- Approximate Entropy Test
- Spectral Test (Only for LCGs)