Habbo.com - but optimized for retro development!
Heroic is a replica of http://habbo.com whose job is to replicate the important features while providing a more optimized experience for retor owners out of the box. This includes things such as providing forums (hangouts), an admin panel and even a radio that uses web sockets!
- Arcturus DB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT1U3H2Lnq4
- Holo DB (Roleplay) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbhmPUCEyMU
January 20, 2018
- Rewrote client and fixed hotel problems
- Hangouts has been rewrote to include more features
- Radio is disabled until web sockets is finished
- Added user ranks to the default $localStorage
- Enabled SSO authentication over a JWT secured GET request
- Fixed ng-animate flash bug on navigation
January 19, 2018
- Start of changelog
- Added multiple children for one child abstract (NAVI)
- User authentication tune ups
- Started work on web socket server for stability
- Added basic client, still needs habbo functionality
- Updated website /about page to be more detailed
- User registration is being worked on
- Rewrote news component to prevent image bug
- Added news articles states and rewrote community.news state