You are an Administrator and you get new MacBooks? All Macs should have the same applications and settings? Just use Up&Run and use your time more effectively.
Up&Run is a helper to automate the setup of your Mac. I'm using it to give me more time for more exciting stuff. Up&Run is basically just a bit Bash and Ansible. Just tested under Yosemite and macOS Sierra.
Up&Run is doing...
- installing Applications via Caskroom
- installing Brews via Homebrew
- can install Apps from Apple App Store via MAS-CLI
- changing Mac OS X settings like reduce transparency or change Dock icon size
- settings/apps.yml for your Apps via Caskroom
- settings/tools.yml for your Tools via Brew
- settings/appstore.yml for your Apple App Store Apps
Check to find more applications you need.
Just run ./ in your Terminal and lean back. Coffee or Whiskey time.
Don’t hesitate to drop me some lines. Ping me on Twitter @designerdrug and follow my tweets about my development and design stuff.
If you discover a bug or security vulnerability within Up&Run, please send an email to Mathias Bachmann at [email protected].
The Up&Run is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.