Clone this repo - put it in a folder with all of your other CodeBase work:
git clone
Navigate into it
cd ApplicationPortal
Set up a virtual environment with the command python3 -m venv env (Linux and Mac) or virtualenv env if you're on Windows. This creates a virtual environment with the name "env" in your local directory.
Activate your virtual environment with source env/bin/activate (Linux and Mac) or env\scripts\activate (Windows).
Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Activate your virtualenv before doing anything in your terminal!
Work in a branch, never, ever, ever on master or staging!
Pull your branches most recent changes.
git pull
Migrate any schema changes:
python migrate
Before pushing, make sure you have made the migrations:
python makemigrations
To run locally, type in python runserver
and then visit localhost:8000. You should get some kind of 404 error.