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Repository files navigation

project guide ios

  1. Create a git repo


  2. Create a project

    use Xcode

  3. Use cocoapods

    • create Profile file: pod init
    • input any frameworks you need and run pod install
    • after pod install successful, will auto create xcworkspace file
    • modify .gitignore file, add Pod/ to ignore Pod floder
    • ignore pod framewroks warnings, add inhibit_all_warnings! to Podfile
  4. Multiple project

    you can use a single project to develop all features, but it's better to split your project, like main project and a common component project, workspace can help to to manager multiple projects

    • under the main project floder, create a Dynamic framworks or Static library
    • open the main project's workspace and add the subproject
    • link the subproject to main project, open the main project target's Build Phases, open Link Binary Witth Librarues and add the subproject's framework
    • pay attention to that the subproject's class or functions need mark Public
    • multiple projects use the same Podfile to manage the frameworks, need pay attention to the project's path, so you may meet Unable to find a target named check the error project's path and set project 'xx/xx'in Podflie
    • when you create a framwork and link it to the main project, you can run successfully on the iOS simulator, but when use the real device it may crash, need go to the Build Phases and add a new Copy File Scprit and set the framework you need
  5. Multiple configuration and scheme

    sometime you need different environment's build, like dev or prod,

    • create multiple configuration, go to main project's Project's Info, as default project contain Debug and Release configuration, you can reuse the exist configuations or create new, for example, create a new Debug(Dev) configuration, and select Duplicate Debug Configuation , xcode will auto create new configuations for everywhere
    • create new scheme, also can duplicate exist one and select the corresponding configuration
    • if your main project is linked with some other subproject, subporject also create the same configurations, otherwise the main project will complie fail
    • you may meet unable to load contents file list error, maybe because the cocoapods, you can re-run pod install
    • you may meet dyld: Library not loaded … Reason: Image not found, try to re-run pod install
  6. Manage certificates

    use fastlane tool manage certificates

    • create a new repo to store certificates
    • cd to certificate's git repo root floder
    • run fastlane match init to create a Matchfile file
      • select your storage modes (like git)
      • input your certificate repo's url (like https://xxxxx)
    • after last step successful, open Matchfile input app_identifier and username
      • app_identifier is your app's bundle id, so you need login you apple developer to create the app id manually
      • username is your apple account email
      • need to make sure that your apple developer's device list is not empty, because fastlane create the profile need device, otherwise will fail
    • run fastlane match development and it will help to create the dev profile
    • if it's the first time to run fastlane match, will popup some questions
      • Passphrase for Match storage: remember it, if you change the develop machine need input it
      • need your input you apple accout's password
      • Digit code: apple will send to you
      • If you have multiple apple account will let you choose
      • When you meet Password for login keychain please input your computer's unlock password
    • run fastlane match appstore will create the distribution profile
    • run fastlane match adhoc will create the adhoc profile
    • after fastlane match successful, fastlane will auto save the certification to your machine's keychain
    • now you can open your main project and choose the profile
    • if meet unmatched error just clear the cache and restart Xcode
  7. Manage test devices

    • If your main project hasn't create fastlane script, run fastlane init and then will let you choose the mode, select manual and write the script later

    • after fastlane init there will create a fastlane floder under your main project path

    • open the Appfile under the fastlane floder, iuput infos, bundle idapple accountteam iditc team id (you can find the itc team id when you upload your app to testflight at the first time)

    • run fastlane match init under the fastlane floder to create a match file and input the certificatees's repo url 、on need set apple accountbundle id in the Matchfile you can manage them in the Appfile

    • now you can write your fastlane script

    • open the Fastfile

    •   lane :devices do
            devices: {
              "device's name" => "device's UDID"
          match(type: "development", force_for_new_devices: true)
  8. Build and upload to TestFlight

    • first of all, you need create your app in the Apple Store Connect

    • continue open the Fastfile and write the script

    • can use the format date string as the build number

        def buildNumberUpdate
        # use the date format string as build number
          build_number: "#{"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M")}"
    • build and upload to testflight script

        lane :build_dev do
          match(type: "appstore", readonly: true)
            # for more details =>
            workspace: "XXX",  # workspace's name
            scheme: "XXX", # scheme's name
            export_method: "app-store", # export mode
            output_directory: "./builds/testflight",  # the path to save the ipa
            configuration: "XXX",  # compile environment
            clean: true   # if need clean before build
    • generate upload access
  9. Third frameworks

    • R.swift

      if you main project links some subproject, the R.swift script should be created in the subproject, and the R.swift script should add --accessLevel public if you init R.swift in sub-project, you need create a assets and link it to Development Assets

    • Sourcery

      Auto protocols help you reduce repeative code

    • SwiftLint

      if your workspace contain multiple projects, you should config swfit lint for each project

      suggest you create a .swiftlint.yml under the project's floder, that you can edit youself's config file

    • multi-language-mobile

      you can manage your copy file on the google sheet and share it, because it's a node project,

      • you need to enable your google drive, go to the website and sign in

      • go to Google Cloud Platform to create a project and get the Credentials

      • create project and select the project

      • enter the project's homepage and scroll down the page to find the Google Drive API click it and enable it

      • now you should jump to the Google Drive API page automaticlly, select the credentials menu and click CREATE CREDENTIALs

      • before that you may need to CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN , just go and select the Intrenal type then need you input some infos

      • after that back to Credentials menu, and click CREATE CREDENTIALs choose OAuth client ID

      • create OAuth client ID, select Desktop app and input name, then download the json file

      • remame the json file as google-credential.json and move it to the main project root path

      • create google translation file

        Key en Zh
        test key hello 你好
      • run yarn add multi-language-mobile --dev add the tool

      • edit the package.json

      • add "localize": "multi-language" to the script block so you can run yarn localize to update your languages copy

      • get the google file's id and paste it to package.jsons

          "multi-language": {
            "googleCredential": "./google-credential.json",
            "googleFileId": "google file id",
            "outputDir": "file output path",
            "platforms": [
      • run yarn localize, at the first time you will get a url, you can get a code from the website

      • you can download the translation file now, but still need to add the localizable.string to project manually

      • multi-language-mobile only support Chinese and English, if you want support more, you can find multi-language-mobile-extension tool

      1. can use String+Extension combine with R.swift
      2. Check the latest solution
    • husky

      help you to standard your git flow

      • first go to the website and jump to the Automic(recommended)

      • follow the guide an install husky npm install husky -D(github)

      • package.json.git should in same path when you install husky

      • after install successful, .husky floder will be added to your project

      • run npx husky add .husky/commit-msg 'npx --no-install commitlint --edit "$1"' will add the commit-msg script

      • install commitlint tool, npm install @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional

      • exprort linit file, echo "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']}" > commitlint.config.js

      • edit the commitlint.config.js file

        "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']}"
        module.exports = {
            extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
            rules: {
                'type-enum': [2, 'always', [
                    "feat", "fix", "docs", "style", "refactor", "perf", "test", "build", "ci", "chore", "revert"
                'subject-full-stop': [0, 'never'],
                'subject-case': [0, 'never']
  10. Manager git branch

    Nothing to say, different team and people have different rules


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