We could use a ton of security on our smartphones like biometric authentication using Face and Fingerprint recognition. But our desktops and laptops have lagged behind. So, here we need Face Protect a facial authenticator to protect our apps & data on our Desktops & Laptops, and the best part is, it works offline.
- Go to bin/Debug -> run MYFACE.exe
Face Protect demo - learn how to use this app
- Turn ON Closed Captions!
- Description of video will add some value too 😄
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- .Net Framework 4.6.1
Clone this repo to your local storage.
Go to Microsoft Visual Studio File Menu -> Open -> Project/Solution Select " MYFACE.sln " file in the cloned project.
You can simply double click on " MYFACE.sln " to launch Microsoft Visual Studio and this project will load.
Now you can explore the code on right side by selecting files from "Solution Explorer" window.
Click the "Start" button on top of code, in the Quick Access Menu Bar to run this project.
Tech Stack : C#, Windows Form
IDE : Microsoft Visual Studio , .Net Framework 4.6.1
Library for Face Recognition : Emgu CV - OpenCV wrapper for C#
Troubleshoot :
Packages are already included with this project.
- EmguCV v3.1.0.1
- FaceRecognition.dll
- Haarcascade
If you get errors related to EmguCV you could download it through NuGet Package Manager by right clicking on
References in Solution Explorer window and select NuGet Package Manager the click on Browse Tab, search for EmguCV and Install.
If you get errors related to FacRec or FaceRec_Location functions you can add reference to FaceRecognition.dll through "Reference" option in Solution Explorer window and right click, Add Reference option, now Reference Manager window will pop up, browse to bin/Debug and double click FaceRecognition.dll then press OK.
Haarcascade folder is in bin/Debug which contains a pre-trained face detection model which helps in detecting face.