git clone .vim
into your home .vim
(ignore the initial vim error)
If you need to modify this configuration just add a .vimrc.local
in your home directory.
- vim-sensible
- vim-polyglot
- vim-solarized8
- vim-airline
- vim-airline-themes
- ctrlp.vim
- delimitMate
- neocomplcache
- tabular
- vim-indexed-search
- vim-snippets
- emmet-vim
- ack.vim
- syntastic
- ultisnips
- gundo.vim
- vim-space
- vim-commentary
- vim-endwise
- vim-eunuch
- vim-fugitive
- vim-repeat
- vim-surround
- vim-unimpaired
- vim-vinegar
- ZoomWin
This vim configuration is a mix from these excellent configurations: