- Speedometer
- Distance traveled
- Battery status
- Back and front direction signalization
- Back red light with multiple patterns to pick from
- Main front lamp control
- Runs on 16.4V (2x serial Li-Ion battery pack) battery managment system (BMS) included
- 1 digital pin to measure velocity and distance, pin will be used as counter
- 1 ADC pin for battery status
- 2 digital pins for front and back direction signalization light control
- 6 digital pins for the back red light control
- 1 digital pin for main front light control
- 1 digital pin for front light control
- 2 (SCL and SDA) pins for display (with Vcc and GND)
- 4 digital pins for buttons
Total: 17 digital pins and 1 ADC pin
- Distance of sensor and magnet from center of front wheel is 10cm (100mm | 0.1m)
- Perimeter is then 2 π 0.1m = 0.628m
- Minimum velocity thant can be measured is 1km/h (1km/h / 3.6 = 0.277m/s)
- Maximum velocity thant can be measured is 178.5km/h (178.5km/h / 3.6 = 49.583m/s)
- Uses 8bit Timer/Counter2 to count the number of revolutions per second
Velocity | Period | Frequency |
1km/h | 2.257s | 0.441Hz |
100km/h | 22.677ms | 44.1Hz |
178.5km/h | 8.226ms | 121.5Hz |
v = (distance / dt)[m/s] * 3.6 [km/h]
we take average of all distances and divide by dt, dt will be 1 second, we multiply by 3.6 to get km/h
- User is required to set wheel radius
- Uses 8bit Timer/Counter2 to count the number of revolutions per second and multiply it by perimeter of the wheel
- Perimeter of wheel is 2 * π * 0.2032m = 1.276m
- Each turn of wheel bicycle has moved 1.276m
- Wheel has turned 5 times in 1 second, so distance traveled that second is; 5 * 1.276 = 6.38m
- Maximum battery voltage = 16.8V
- Minimum battery voltage = 12.0V
VREF is ~ 5.0V so to get voltage at ADC to be 5V when battery is at maximum we need voltage divider
with ratio of 5.0V / 16.8V = 0.297
R1 = 23_600 Ω
R2 = 10_000 Ω
R2 / (R1 + R2) = 10kΩ / (10kΩ + 23.600kΩ) = 0.297
Beginners note:
There is no 23_600kΩ available so it will need to be a series of:
22kΩ + 1kΩ + 680Ω = 23.680kΩ
And so at minimum battery voltage we read at ADC value of 12.0V * 0.297 = 3.564V
Resolution of 8bit ADC is 5 / 255 = 19.607mV, so binary value is 3.564V * 19.607mV = 181.771 or 181
Battery Voltage | ADC value | Status |
>16.8V | >181 | Over Charged |
16.8V | 181 | Full |
12.0V | 107 | Discharged |
<12.0V | <107 | Over Discharge |
2 pins control 2 sets of yellow diodes, for left and right side
Displays velocity,distance traveled,battery status.
- Select velocity unit m/s or km/h
- Select wheel radius (16inch, 18inch, 19.5inch etc)
- Reset distance
- Button for front light on/off, long press shows/hides main menu
- Button for left turn signalization, toggle on press
- Button for right turn signalization, toggle on press
- Button for backlight, long press turns it on/off, short changes effects