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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 23, 2025. It is now read-only.

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🪲 bug
:beetle: bug
Something isn't working
📖 storybook
:book: storybook
Anything related to component catalog improvements
✨ improvement
✨ improvement
Adding functionality or adjustment to a component or ui element
🔑 tokens
:key: tokens
Issues and work related to Design Tokens
🤖 major
🤖 major
Increment the major version when merged
📝 docs
:memo: docs
Contributes to documentation or Storybook
🔬 tests
:microscope: tests
Adds new or refactors existing tests
🤖 minor
🤖 minor
Increment the minor version when merged
⛔ wontfix
:no_entry: wontfix
This will not be worked on
🔩 tools
:nut_and_bolt: tools
Build system and infrastructure tasks and bugs
🤖 patch
🤖 patch
Increment the patch version when merged
☝️ dependencies
:point_up: dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🚀 good first issue
:rocket: good first issue
Good for newcomers
🤖 skip-release
🤖 skip-release
Preserve the current version when merged
😪 chore
:sleepy: chore
items around process, planning, organization, and setup
✨ candidate-component
:sparkles: candidate-component
A component to either reduce duplication or provide planned functionality across applications.