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TylerLeonhardt committed Jun 25, 2019
1 parent 2a3a405 commit bda1046
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,416 additions and 43 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions client/extension.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
'use strict';

import * as path from 'path';
import { workspace, ExtensionContext, commands, StatusBarItem } from 'coc.nvim';
import { TerminalResult } from 'coc.nvim/lib/types';
import { LanguageClient, LanguageClientOptions, ServerOptions, TransportKind } from 'coc.nvim';
import { Range } from 'vscode-languageserver-types';
import { getDefaultPowerShellPath, getPlatformDetails } from './platform';

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {

const pwshPath = getDefaultPowerShellPath(getPlatformDetails())

let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
command: pwshPath,
args: [
"-HostName", "coc.vim",
"-HostProfileId", "0",
"-HostVersion", "2.0.0",
"-LogPath", "/Users/tyler/Code/PowerShell/coc-powershell/.pses/logs/1234/log.txt",
"-LogLevel", "Diagnostic",
"-FeatureFlags", "[]",
"-BundledModulesPath", "/Users/tyler/Code/PowerShell/coc-powershell/PowerShellEditorServices/",
"-SessionDetailsPath", "/Users/tyler/Code/PowerShell/coc-powershell/.pses/logs/1234/session"],
transport: TransportKind.stdio

workspace.addRootPatterns('powershell', ['*.ps1', '*.psd1', '*.psm1', '.vim', '.git', '.hg'])

// Options to control the language client
let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
// Register the server for F# documents
documentSelector: [{scheme: 'file', language: 'powershell'}],
synchronize: {
// Synchronize the setting section 'powershell' to the server
configurationSection: 'powershell',
// Notify the server about file changes to PowerShell files contain in the workspace
// TODO: is there a way to configure this via the language server protocol?
fileEvents: [

// Create the language client and start the client.
let client = new LanguageClient('powershell', 'PowerShell Language Server', serverOptions, clientOptions);
let disposable = client.start();

// Push the disposable to the context's subscriptions so that the
// client can be deactivated on extension deactivation
commands.registerCommand('powershell.command.goto', goto);

function goto(file: string, startLine: number, startColumn: number, _endLine: number, _endColumn: number) {
let selection = Range.create(startLine, startColumn, startLine, startColumn);
workspace.jumpTo(file, selection.start);
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions client/platform.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

import fs = require("fs");
import path = require("path");
import process = require("process");
import Settings = require("./settings");

const linuxExePath = "/usr/bin/pwsh";
const linuxPreviewExePath = "/usr/bin/pwsh-preview";

const snapExePath = "/snap/bin/pwsh";
const snapPreviewExePath = "/snap/bin/pwsh-preview";

const macOSExePath = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh";
const macOSPreviewExePath = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh-preview";

export enum OperatingSystem {

export interface IPlatformDetails {
operatingSystem: OperatingSystem;
isOS64Bit: boolean;
isProcess64Bit: boolean;

export interface IPowerShellExeDetails {
versionName: string;
exePath: string;

export function getPlatformDetails(): IPlatformDetails {
let operatingSystem = OperatingSystem.Unknown;

if (process.platform === "win32") {
operatingSystem = OperatingSystem.Windows;
} else if (process.platform === "darwin") {
operatingSystem = OperatingSystem.MacOS;
} else if (process.platform === "linux") {
operatingSystem = OperatingSystem.Linux;

const isProcess64Bit = process.arch === "x64";

return {
isOS64Bit: isProcess64Bit || process.env.hasOwnProperty("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"),

* Gets the default instance of PowerShell for the specified platform.
* On Windows, the default version of PowerShell is "Windows PowerShell".
* @param platformDetails Specifies information about the platform - primarily the operating system.
* @param use32Bit On Windows, this boolean determines whether the 32-bit version of Windows PowerShell is returned.
* @returns A string containing the path of the default version of PowerShell.
export function getDefaultPowerShellPath(
platformDetails: IPlatformDetails,
use32Bit: boolean = false): string | null {

let powerShellExePath;

// Find the path to powershell.exe based on the current platform
// and the user's desire to run the x86 version of PowerShell
if (platformDetails.operatingSystem === OperatingSystem.Windows) {
if (use32Bit) {
powerShellExePath =
platformDetails.isOS64Bit && platformDetails.isProcess64Bit
? SysWow64PowerShellPath
: System32PowerShellPath;
} else {
powerShellExePath =
!platformDetails.isOS64Bit || platformDetails.isProcess64Bit
? System32PowerShellPath
: SysnativePowerShellPath;
} else if (platformDetails.operatingSystem === OperatingSystem.MacOS) {
// Always default to the stable version of PowerShell (if installed) but handle case of only Preview installed
powerShellExePath = macOSExePath;
if (!fs.existsSync(macOSExePath) && fs.existsSync(macOSPreviewExePath)) {
powerShellExePath = macOSPreviewExePath;
} else if (platformDetails.operatingSystem === OperatingSystem.Linux) {
// Always default to the stable version of PowerShell (if installed) but handle case of only Preview installed
// as well as the Snaps case -
powerShellExePath = linuxExePath;
if (!fs.existsSync(linuxExePath) && fs.existsSync(linuxPreviewExePath)) {
powerShellExePath = linuxPreviewExePath;
} else if (fs.existsSync(snapExePath)) {
powerShellExePath = snapExePath;
} else if (fs.existsSync(snapPreviewExePath)) {
powerShellExePath = snapPreviewExePath;

return powerShellExePath;

export function getWindowsSystemPowerShellPath(systemFolderName: string) {
return `${process.env.windir}\\${systemFolderName}\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe`;

export const System32PowerShellPath = getWindowsSystemPowerShellPath("System32");
export const SysnativePowerShellPath = getWindowsSystemPowerShellPath("Sysnative");
export const SysWow64PowerShellPath = getWindowsSystemPowerShellPath("SysWow64");

export const WindowsPowerShell64BitLabel = "Windows PowerShell (x64)";
export const WindowsPowerShell32BitLabel = "Windows PowerShell (x86)";

const powerShell64BitPathOn32Bit = SysnativePowerShellPath.toLocaleLowerCase();
const powerShell32BitPathOn64Bit = SysWow64PowerShellPath.toLocaleLowerCase();

export function fixWindowsPowerShellPath(powerShellExePath: string, platformDetails: IPlatformDetails): string {
const lowerCasedPath = powerShellExePath.toLocaleLowerCase();

if ((platformDetails.isProcess64Bit && (lowerCasedPath === powerShell64BitPathOn32Bit)) ||
(!platformDetails.isProcess64Bit && (lowerCasedPath === powerShell32BitPathOn64Bit))) {
return System32PowerShellPath;

// If the path doesn't need to be fixed, return the original
return powerShellExePath;

* Gets a list of all available PowerShell instance on the specified platform.
* @param platformDetails Specifies information about the platform - primarily the operating system.
* @param sessionSettings Specifies the user/workspace settings. Additional PowerShell exe paths loaded from settings.
* @returns An array of IPowerShellExeDetails objects with the PowerShell name & exe path for each instance found.
export function getAvailablePowerShellExes(
platformDetails: IPlatformDetails,
sessionSettings: Settings.ISettings | undefined): IPowerShellExeDetails[] {

let paths: IPowerShellExeDetails[] = [];

if (platformDetails.operatingSystem === OperatingSystem.Windows) {
if (platformDetails.isProcess64Bit) {
versionName: WindowsPowerShell64BitLabel,
exePath: System32PowerShellPath,

versionName: WindowsPowerShell32BitLabel,
exePath: SysWow64PowerShellPath,
} else {
if (platformDetails.isOS64Bit) {
versionName: WindowsPowerShell64BitLabel,
exePath: SysnativePowerShellPath,

versionName: WindowsPowerShell32BitLabel,
exePath: System32PowerShellPath,

const psCoreInstallPath =
(!platformDetails.isProcess64Bit ? process.env.ProgramW6432 : process.env.ProgramFiles) + "\\PowerShell";

if (fs.existsSync(psCoreInstallPath)) {
const arch = platformDetails.isProcess64Bit ? "(x64)" : "(x86)";
const psCorePaths =
.map((item) => path.join(psCoreInstallPath, item))
.filter((item) => {
const exePath = path.join(item, "pwsh.exe");
return fs.lstatSync(item).isDirectory() && fs.existsSync(exePath);
.map((item) => ({
versionName: `PowerShell Core ${path.parse(item).base} ${arch}`,
exePath: path.join(item, "pwsh.exe"),

if (psCorePaths) {
paths = paths.concat(psCorePaths);
} else {
// Handle Linux and macOS case
let exePaths: string[];

if (platformDetails.operatingSystem === OperatingSystem.Linux) {
exePaths = [ linuxExePath, snapExePath, linuxPreviewExePath, snapPreviewExePath ];
} else {
exePaths = [ macOSExePath, macOSPreviewExePath ];

exePaths.forEach((exePath) => {
if (fs.existsSync(exePath)) {
versionName: "PowerShell Core" + (/-preview/.test(exePath) ? " Preview" : ""),

// When unit testing, we don't have session settings available to test, so skip reading this setting
if (sessionSettings) {
// Add additional PowerShell paths as configured in settings
for (const additionalPowerShellExePath of sessionSettings.powerShellAdditionalExePaths) {
versionName: additionalPowerShellExePath.versionName,
exePath: additionalPowerShellExePath.exePath,

return paths;

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